



出生日期: 1990年9月  







2013-09 ~ 2019-07   中国科学院大学资环学院地图学与地理信息系统 硕博连读

2016-12 ~ 2017-05   丹麦奥胡斯大学         生态信息学课题组     博士联合培养

2009-09 ~ 2013-07   北京林业大学                  地理信息系统               本科


2019-07~      中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 助理研究员




[1]     Tianxiao Ma, Yu Liang*, Zhouyuan Li, Zhihua Liu, Bo Liu, Mia M. Wu, Matthew K. Lau, Yunting Fang. Age-related patterns and climatic driving factors of drought-induced forest mortality in Northeast China. (2023). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 332(9), 109360

[2]     Tianxiao Ma, Yu Liang*, Matthew K. Lau, Bo Liu, Mia M. Wu, Hong S. He. Quantifying the relative importance of potential evapotranspiration and timescale selection in assessing extreme drought frequency in conterminous China. (2021). Atmospheric Research, 263, 105797

[3]     Tianxiao Ma, Yu Liang*, Michael G. Sunde, Matthew K. Lau, Bo Liu, Mia M. Wu, Hong S. He. (2021). Assessing the effects of climate variable and timescale selection on uncertainties in dryness/wetness trends in conterminous China. International Journal of Climatology, 41(5), 3058-3070.

[4]     Tianxiao Ma, Zheng Duan, Runkui Li, Xianfeng Song*. (2019). Enhancing SWAT with remotely sensed LAI for improved modelling of ecohydrological process in subtropics. Journal of Hydrology, 570: 802-815.

[5]     Tianxiao Ma, Runkui Li, Svenning, J. C., Xianfeng Song*. (2018). Linear spectral unmixing using endmember coexistence rules and spatial correlation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(11), 3512-3536.

[6]     Pengyi Zhang, Pengchao Zhang, Zhouyuan Li, Tianming Ma, Tianxiao Ma*. (2023). Widespread mismatch between satellite observed vegetation greenness and temperature isolines during 2000–2020 in China. Ecological Indicators, 147(368), 110018.

[7]     Zhouyuan Li*, Tianxiao Ma, Yimeng Cai, Tingting Fei, Chen Zhai, Wenxiao Qi, Shikui Dong, Jixi Gao, Xuguang Wang, Shaopeng Wang*. (2023). Stable or unstable? Landscape diversity and ecosystem stability across scales in the forest–grassland ecotone in northern China. Landscape Ecology.

[8]     Wentao Luo*, Wang Ma, Lin Song, Niwu Te, Jiaqi Chen, Taofeek O. Muraina, Kate Wilkins, Robert J. Griffin-Nolan, Tianxiao Ma, Jianqiang Qian, Chong Xu, Qiang Yu, Zhengwen Wang, Xingguo Han, Scott L. Collins. (2023). Compensatory dynamics drive grassland recovery from drought. Ecology, 111(6), 1281-1291.

[9]     Bo Liu, Yu Liang*, Hong S. He, Zhihua Liu, Tianxiao Ma, Mia M. Wu. (2022). Wildfire affects boreal forest resilience through post-fire recruitment in Northeastern China. Ecological Indicators, 145(6), 109705.

[10]Mia M. Wu, Yu Liang*, Hong S. He*, Bo Liu, Tianxiao Ma. (2022). Remnant trees location and abundance play different roles in forest landscape recovery. Forest Ecology and Management, 511: 120154.

[11]Bo Liu, Jinlong Zhang, Matthew K. Lau, Xugao Wang, Yu Liang*, Tianxiao Ma. (2022). Diversification and phylogenetic correlation of functional traits for co-occurring understory species in the Chinese boreal forest. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 1-14.

[12]Suraj Shah, Zheng Duan, Xianfeng Song*, Runkui Li, Huihui Mao, Junzhi Liu, Tianxiao Ma, Mingyu Wang. (2021). Evaluating the added value of multi-variable calibration of SWAT with remotely sensed evapotranspiration data for improving hydrological modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 603: 127046.

[13]Chao Huang, Yu Liang*, Hong S. He, Mia M. Wu, Bo Liu, Tianxiao Ma. (2021). Sensitivity of aboveground biomass and species composition to climate change in boreal forests of Northeastern China. Ecological Modelling, 445: 109472.

[14]Runkui Li, Tianxiao Ma, Qun Xu, Xianfeng Song*. (2018). Using MAIAC AOD to verify the PM2.5 spatial patterns of a land use regression model. Environmental Pollution, 243: 501-509.

[15]Zhouyuan Li, Xuehua Liu*, Tianlin Niu, Kejia De, Qingping Zhou, Tianxiao Ma, Yunyang Gao. (2015). Ecological restoration and its effects on a regional climate: the source region of the yellow river, china. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(10), 5897.

[16]Zhouyuan Li, Xuehua Liu*, Tianxiao Ma, Kejia, De, Qingping Zhou, Bingquan Yao, Tianlin Niu. (2013). Retrieval of the surface evapotranspiration patterns in the alpine grassland–wetland ecosystem applying sebal model in the source region of the yellow river, china. Ecological Modelling, 270(270), 64-75.

[17]张鹏超, 梁宇*, 刘波, 马天啸, 吴苗苗. (2023). 基于随机森林模型的青藏高原森林地上生物量遥感估算. 生态学杂志, 42(2), 415-424.

[18]王子滢, 李周园*, 董世魁, 符曼琳, 李泳珊, 李生梅, 武胜男, 马春晖, 马天啸, 曹越. (2022). 40年青藏高原生态格局演变及其驱动因素. 生态学报,42(22), 8941-8952.

[19]张鹏翼, 马天啸, 梁宇*, 刘波, 吴苗苗. (2022). 长白山区域森林主要树种迁移动态对气候变化的滞后响应. 生态学杂志, 41(9), 1674-1682.

[20]李景, 马天啸, 陆妍如, 宋现锋*, 李润奎, 刘军志, 段峥. (2021). SWAT模型多目标率定与评价-以梅川江流域为例. 中国科学院大学学报, 38(5), 590-600.

[21]张鹏翼, 马天啸, 刘波, 梁宇*, 黄超, 吴苗苗, 姜思慧. (2021). 长白山国家级自然保护区森林生态系统完整性动态评估. 生态学杂志, 40(7), 2251-2262.

[22]姜思慧, 梁宇*, 常瑞英, 黄超, 马天啸, 刘波, 吴苗苗, 张鹏翼. (2020). 青藏高原川西云杉林生物量对气候变化的响应. 生态学杂志, 39(12), 3903-3912.

[23]李熙全, 代飞, 阳成刚, 徐江, 马天啸, 蒋小涛, 姚卫新. (2019). 基于多尺度遥感和精密定位的烟田数字化识别方法. 农技服务, 36(7), 47-50.

[24]马天啸, 宋现锋*, 赵昕, 李润奎. (2016). 2000—2010年黄河源区植被覆盖率时空变化及其影响因素. 干旱区研究, 33(6), 1217-1225.


[1] 基于多模型耦合的长白山森林演替及其对径流的影响研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2024-01-2026-12,主持




[1] 202356-8日,第八届青年地学论坛,武汉,口头报告