

单 位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
电子邮箱:lium@iae.ac.cn  ; lium79@163.com

2018.07-2018.10      美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校 访问学者
2013.10 – 2014.4     德国明斯特大学 访问学者
2002.09 - 2007.07 中国科学院研究生院博士
1998.09 - 2002.07 东北师范大学学士
2015.12-至今     中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员
2009.12-2015.12   中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所副研究员
2007.7-2009.12    中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所助理研究员
(1) 区域生态安全;(2)农业面源污染;(3)生态规划(4)遥感大数据应用
2013.7-2013.10、2014.9-2014.12   德国明斯特大学,研究方向合作景观生态学
2018.7-2018.9 美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校,研究方向合作遥感大数据
     刘淼,男,1979年生,博士,三级研究员,博导,现就职于中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所。2008年9月至10月赴日本东京大学访问;2013-2014年德国明斯特大学访问学者;2018年美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校访问学者。发表独立作者专著1部;总计发表文章242篇,总被引2316次;近五年发表SCI 论文32篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文24篇,含一区12篇,二区7篇;第一或通讯作者,发表中文核心期刊论文24篇。主持自然科学基金青年和面上项目4项,重点研发子课题3项,水专项子课题1项,中科院先导项子课题1项,研究所长期支持重点方向项目1项,地方委托项目17项;参与自然科学基金重点项目一项(排名第二)。
     遥感大数据大尺度城市三维格局快速构建算法建立研究:首次基于我国珞珈夜间灯光数据、POI数据和多源遥感,开发了全国尺度城市三维格局快速构建算法,并计算完成首张全国城市三维格局一张图,同时构建了城市三维格局的刻画方法,相关成果发表刊物在Landscape and urban planning(SCI一区,IF=7.96)和Applied Geography(SSCI一区,IF=3.844, 此文章他引:48),此部分研究成果已整合到中国科学技术协会和中国生态学学会主编的《景观生态学学科技术路线图》中,本人负责遥感大数据三维格局构建与分析章节。
     “天空地”一体化多源遥感农业和城市面源污染过程监测评估:农业面源污染方面,基于水文过程模型模拟流域面源污染产生过程,针对水文过程模型复杂和不能快速响应缺点,应用多源遥感结合气象数据开发面源污染快速评估方法,与环保部环境卫星应用中心就大尺度面源污染快速监测进行合作研究,正在开发评估系统。城市面源污染方面,基于实地监测数据和过程模型分析城市面源污染及黑臭水体过程,应用无人机多光谱、雷达和高分卫星发展快速监测评估算法,同时与同济大学合作开展绿色基础设施空间优化面源污染监测与控制研究,与中国环境科学研究院合作城市黑臭水体监测与治理方案,合作编制地方标准《城市黑臭水体整治技术导则》(2020)。相关成果发表在Journal of Hydrology (SCI一区, IF=5.722)、Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI一区, IF=9.297) 和Science of the Total Environment (SCI一区, IF=7.963, 此文章他引:62)等刊物上。
     多尺度城市格局与大气污染过程监测评估:全国尺度上,通过MODIS、Landsat和气象卫星等多源遥感手段监测评估PM2.5和PM10大气污染物浓度空间分布与年际变化,分析其与全国三维格局、自然及社会经济等相差关系。区域尺度上,多源遥感结合大气过程模型对大气污染过程进行监测评估,评估大气污染风险区;城市内部尺度上,采用无人机立体监测,车载移动监测和环境监测站点综合监测评估近地表大气污染物立体分布及居民暴露风险。相关成果发表在Science of the Total Environment (SCI一区,IF=7.842)和Sustainable Cities and Society (SCI一区, IF=7.587)等刊物上,部分成果正在投稿中。基于此部分研究成果与航天宏图合作2021年获得中国气象科技创新奖一等奖“基于多源遥感大数据的天空地一体化减污降碳协同监管 SaaS 服务”,本人排名第6。
     多源遥感多尺度湿地和鸟类生境变化监测评估:在全国沿海尺度上,采用资源卫星、高分卫星、无人机及地面调查结合手段,基于云计算方法开发北方沿海滩涂湿地指示物种盐地碱蓬提取算法,监测多年盐地碱蓬面积变化。在东北三江平原和松嫩平原,基于多源遥感和云计算监测沼泽湿地多年变化情况,应用无人机对鸟类生境进行调整,确定湿地变化对鸟类生境影响。研究成果部分纳入《黑龙江省“十四五”湿地修复规划》和《盘锦市湿地保护修复工作方案》,同时发表在Remote Sensing(SCI一区,IF=5.353)和 Science of the Total Environment (SCI一区,IF=7.842)等刊物上。
     整合“天空地”一体化多源遥感对多生态环境过程成果,获得2020年自然资源部国土资源科学技术奖二等奖“辽宁省区域生态评估与调控技术及其应用”本人排名第1。同时,基于研究成果积极承担社会服务工作,包括国土空间规划专题、国土空间生态修复、辽河口湿地变化遥感监测、生态保护红线划定、 “三线一单”编制和国土空间综合整治监测评估等。
1、城市规划GIS技术应用. 2015.华中科技大学出版社. 独立作者
2、辽宁白石砬子国家级自然保护区生物多样性. 2017. 辽宁科学技术出版社. 编委
3、环黄渤海滨海带生态环境状况综合调查图集. 2019.中国环境出版集团.编委
1.Yu Chang, Chang Chang, Yuxiang Li, Miao Liu, et al. 2022.Predicting Dynamics of the Potential Breeding Habitat of Larus saundersi by MaxEnt Model under Changing Land-Use Conditions in Wetland Nature Reserve of Liaohe Estuary, China. Remote Sensing, 14(3), 552; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14030552 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=5.353)
2.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2022. Investigating the vertical distribution patterns of urban air pollution based on unmanned aerial vehicle gradient monitoring. Sustainable Cities and Society, 86 (2022) 104144. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=10.696)
3.Hongyan Yin, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, et al. 2022. Evolutions of 30-Year Spatio-Temporal Distribution and Influencing Factors of Suaeda salsa in Bohai Bay, China. Remote Sensing, 14(1), 138. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14010138 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=5.353)
4.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2022. Spatial distribution patterns and potential exposure risks of urban floods in Chinese megacities. Journal of Hydrology, 610, 127838. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127838 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=5.353)
5.Miao Liu, Jun Ma, Rui Zhou, et al. 2021. High-resolution mapping of mainland China’s urban floor area. Landscape and urban planning,214:104187- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104187.(SCI,JCRQ1,IF=7.96)
6.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2021. Evaluating the runoff storage supply-demand structure of green infrastructure for urban flood management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280 (2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124420(通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=9.297)
7.Min Zong, Yuanman, Hu Miao Liu, et al. 2021. Quantifying the Contribution of Agricultural and Urban Non- Point Source Pollutant Loads in Watershed with Urban Agglomeration. Water.13,1385. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13101385 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2,IF=3.229)
8.Hongyan Yin, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, et al. 2021. Ecological and Environmental Effects of Estuarine Wetland Loss Using Keyhole and Landsat Data in Liao River Delta, China. Remote Sensing. 13(2), 311. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13020311 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=5.353)
9.Sixue Shi, Yu Chang, Guodong Wang, Zhen Li, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu. 2020. Planning for the wetland restoration potential based on the viability of the seed bank and the land-use change trajectory in the Sanjiang Plain of China, Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139208 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=7.842) 
10.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2020. Spatial distribution characteristics of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter inside a city in the heating season of Northeast China, Sustainable Cities and Society. 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102302 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1, IF=7.587)
11.Wei Zhang, Miao Liu, Chunlin Li. 2020. Soil heavy metal contamination assessment in the Hun-Taizi River watershed, China. Scientific Reports, 10:8730. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1, IF=4.38)
12.Chunlin Li, Yanyan Xu, Miao Liu, et al. 2020. Modeling the Impact of Urban Three-Dimensional Expansion on Atmospheric Environmental Conditions in an Old Industrial District: A Case Study in Shenyang, China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 29 (5): 3171-3181. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ4, IF=1.699) 
13.Wei Zhang, Jun Ma, Miao Liu, et al. 2020. Impact of Urban Expansion on Forest Carbon Sequestration: a Study in Northeastern China, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 29(1): 451-461. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ4, IF=1.699)
14.Zhen Li), Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al.2020. The spatiotemporal marshland changes and the driving forces from 1980 to 2016 in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, Ecological Process. DOI: 10.1186/s13717-020- 00226-9. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2,IF=2.8492)
15.Tuo Shi, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, et al. 2020. Land use regression modelling of PM2.5 spatial variations indifferent seasons in urban areas. Science of the Total Environment, 743, 140744. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1,IF=7.842) 
16.Tuo Shi, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, et al. 2020. How Do Economic Growth, Urbanization, and Industrialization Affect Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations? An Assessment in Liaoning Province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 5411. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2,IF=3.789) 
17.Min Zong, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, et al. 2020.Effects of Landscape Pattern Change on Water Yield and Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Hun-Taizi River Watershed, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3060 (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2, IF=3.789)
18.Tuo Shi, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2019. Spatiotemporal Pattern of Fine Particulate Matter and Impact of Urban Socioeconomic Factors in China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(7): 1099. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2, IF=3.789) 
19.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2019. Characteristics of impervious surface and its effect on direct runoff: A case study in rapidly urbanized area. Water Supply, 19(7): 1885-1891. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ4, IF=1.275) 
20.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2018. Effects of urbanization on direct runoff characteristics in urban functional zones. Science of the Total Environment, 643: 301-311. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ1, IF=7.842, 被引:62) 
21.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2018. Evaluating the Hydrologic Performance of Low Impact Development Scenarios in a Micro Urban Catchment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2): 273. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2, IF=3.789) 
22.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2018. Assessing the Impact of Urbanization on Direct Runoff Using Improved Composite CN Method in a Large Urban Area. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4):775. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2, IF=3.789) 
23.Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, Chunlin Li. 2017. Landscape metrics for three-dimensional urban building pattern recognition. Applied Geography, 87: 66-72.(SSCI,JCRQ1,IF=3.844, 被引:48)
24.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2017. Modeling hydrological effects of low impact development for stormwater runoff treatment based on Storm Water Management Model. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(11): 6470-6478. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ2, IF=0.498)
25.Wei Zhang, Fengyun Sun, Miao Liu, et al. 2017. Quantifying the Relationships of Impact Factors on Non- Point Source Pollution Using the Boosted Regression Tree Algorithm, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(1): 403-411. (通讯作者) (SCI,JCRQ4, IF=1.699) 
26.李迪康,刘淼,李春林,胡远满,王聪,刘冲. 我国城市大气环境与周边区域二维和三维景观格局关系,应用生态学报,2021,32( 5) : 1593-1602. (通讯作者) (CSCD)
27.于莉莉,孙立双,刘淼,张丹华,等.基于Google Earth Engine的环渤海地区土地覆盖分类。.应用生态学报.31( 12) : 4091-4098 (通讯作者) (CSCD)
28.曲修齐, 刘淼, 李春林, 等. 生态承载力评估方法研究进展. 气象与环境学报, 2019, 35(4): 113-119. (通讯作者) (CSCD)
29.张楚宜, 胡远满, 刘淼, 等. 景观生态学三维格局研究进展, 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(12): 4353-4360. (通讯作者) (CSCD)
30.李桢, 刘淼, 薛振山, 等. 基于 CLUE-S 模型的三江平原景观格局变化及模拟, 应用生态学报, 2018, 29(6): 1805-1812. (通讯作者) (CSCD)
31.李春林, 刘淼, 胡远满, 等. 基于暴雨径流管理模型(SWMM)的海绵城市低影响开发措施控制效果模拟. 应用生态学报, 2017, 28(8): 2405-2412. (通讯作者) (CSCD)
32.睢晋玲, 刘淼, 李春林, 胡等. 海绵城市规划及景观生态学启示——以盘锦市辽东湾新区为例. 应用生态学报, 2017, 28(3): 975-982. (通讯作者) (CSCD)
33.吴义林, 赵明华, 刘淼, 等.基于SWMM模型的沈阳典型小区非点源污染情景模拟. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(2): 491-498. (通讯作者) (CSCD)
34.Jing Yao, Miao Liu, Nina Chen, et al. 2020. Quantitative assessment of demand and supply of urban ecosystem services in different seasons: a case study on air purification in a temperate city, Landscape Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01112-7. (SCI)
35.Wen Wu, Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, Chunliang Xiu. 2020. Change of impervious surface area and its impacts on urban landscape: an example of Shenyang between 2010 and 2017, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 6:1, 1767511, DOI:10.1080/20964129.2020.1767511. (SCI)
36.Fengyun Sun, Miao Liu, Yuncai Wang, et al. 2020. The effects of 3D architectural patterns on the urban surface temperature at a neighborhood scale: Relative contributions and "> Xu Yanyan, Liu Miao, Hu Yuanman, et al. 2019. Analysis of Three-Dimensional Space Expansion Characteristics in Old Industrial Area Renewal Using GIS and Barista: A Case Study of Tiexi District, Shenyang, China. Sustainability, 11(7): 1860. (SCI)
38.Xiaolu Yan, Miao Liu, Jingqiu Zhong, et al. 2018. How Human Activities Affect Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil and Sediment in a Long-Term Reclaimed Area of the Liaohe River Delta, North China. Sustainability, 10 (2): 338. (SCI)
39.Xiaolu Yan, Yuanman Hu, Yu Chang, Danhua Zhang, Miao Liu, Jinging Guo, Baihui Ren. 2017. Monitoring Wetland Changes both Outside and Inside Reclamation Areas for Coastal Management of the Northern Liaodong Bay, China. Wetland, ,37(5): 885-897. (SCI)
40.Zhang DH, Hu Yuanman, Li Yuehui, Liu Miao, Zhong JQ, Zhang DH, Wu W. 2017. Introduction and Spread of an Exotic plant, Spartina alterniflora, Along Coastal Marshes of China. Wetland, 37(6): 1181-1193. (SCI)
41.Xiaolu Yan, Yuanman Hu, Yu Chang, Danhua Zhang, Miao Liu, Jinging Guo, Baihui Ren. 2017. Effects of Land Reclamation on Distribution of Soil Properties and Heavy Metal Concentrations, and the Associated Environmental Pollution. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(4): 1809-1823. (SCI)
42.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2016. Modeling the Quality and Quantity of Runoff in a Highly Urbanized Catchment Using Storm Water Management Model. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25(4): 1573-1581. (SCI)
43.Jun Ma, Rencan Bu, Miao Liu, et al. 2016. Recovery of Understory Vegetation Biomass and Biodiversity in Burned Larch Boreal Forests in Northeastern. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 31(4): 382-393. (SCI)
44.Jiping Gong, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, et al. 2015. Characterization of Air Pollution Index and Its Affecting Factors in Industrial Urban Areas in Northeastern China. Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(4): 1579-1592. (SCI) 
45.Jun Ma, Rencang Bu, Miao Liu, et al. 2015. Ecosystem carbon storage distribution between plant and soil in different forest types in Northeastern China. Ecological Engineering, 81: 353-362. (SCI)
46.Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2014. Characterization and first flush analysis in road and roof runoff in Shenyang, China. Water Science and Technology, 70(3): 397-406. (SCI)
47.XiuFeng Cao, Miao Liu, YuFang Song, et al. 2013. Composition, Sources, and Potential Toxicology of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Agricultural Soils in Liaoning, People’s Republic of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(3): 2231-2241. (SCI)