

 王正文,男,博士,1969年10月生于山东省菏泽市。现任中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员,博士生导师,中科院沈阳应用生态研究所额尔古纳森林草原过渡带生态系统研究站站长。于2001年7月在东北师范大学国家草地生态工程实验室获得生态学博士学位,之后进入中国科学院植物研究所从事博士后研究,2004年8月至2009年11月在中国科学院植物研究所工作, 任助理研究员,期间于2008年11月至2009年11月赴荷兰乌特勒支大学进行植物可塑性及其进化方面的合作研究;2009年11月至今在中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所工作,任副研究员,期间于2010年3月至8月赴瑞士伯尔尼大学进行植物进化生态学方面的合作研究,于2014年11月晋升为研究员。主要研究领域为草地生态学、生物多样性与生态系统功能、植物群落生态学、荒漠化防治、退化生态系统修复等。已在国内外主流学术期刊发表学术论文(著)100余篇(部),主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、重点项目1项,国家973项目和国家重点研发计划项目专题3项,国家博士后科学基金1项,中国科学院先导专项子课题2项、专题2项,国际合作交流项目2项,科技部基础专项课题1项,辽宁省重大科技专项1项。目前在生态学基础研究方面主要开展植物性状可塑性及其进化、植物多样性及其生态系统功能、草地生态系统结构与功能对全球气候变化的响应等方面的研究;在应用基础研究和技术研发方面,主要开展退化和沙化草地生态恢复方面的理论研究和技术研发。



1991~1995 东北师范大学生命科学学院生物学专业,获学士学位;

1995~1998 东北师范大学草地研究所生态学专业,获硕士学位;



2001年8月~2004年7月    中国科学院植物研究所                 博士后;

2004年8月~2009年12月   中国科学院植物研究所                  助理研究员;

2008年11月~2009年11月  荷兰乌特勒支大学                     博士后;

2009年11月~2014年11月  中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所             副研究员

2010年3月~2010年8月    瑞士伯尔尼大学                     访问学者;

2014年11月至今      中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所             研究员


1. 国家博士后科学基金项目“克隆植物的克隆生长特征与生境异质性要素的关系”

(编号2002032118)执行期:2002.01~2004.12,主持人 (2万元)

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“克隆植物的克隆整合与生境异质性要素及刈割干扰格局的关系”(编号30370268)执行期:2004.01~2006.12,主持人 (19万元)

3. 中国科学院西部行动计划(二期)项目《锡林郭勒草地适应性管理与可持续发展试验示范研究》(编号KZCX2-XB2-01)(2006~2009)子课题“人工草地系统生产力提高与稳定性维持机理” 执行期:2006~2009,子课题负责人 (43万元)

4. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)《北方草地与农牧交错带生态系统维持与适应性管理的科学基础》第五课题“草地生态系统适应性管理” (编号2007CB106805)的子课题 “典型草原植物生殖物候对气候变化的响应”。执行期:2007~2011,子课题负责人 (30万元)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“气温和降水变化对典型草原植物生殖物候的影响”(编号30870422),执行期:2009.01.01~2011.12.31,主持人 (36万元)

6. 中瑞科技合作计划(Sino Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation, SSSTC)中的学者交流项目(exchange grant),项目名称为“Costs of root foraging ability in Ranunculus reptans” (“松叶毛茛根系觅养代价研究”) (编号EG14-092009) ,执行期:2010,主持人 (2.35万CHF)

7. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)子课题“东北草地固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力”(编号XDA05050401)之专题,执行期2011~2015,子课题负责人 (100万元)

8. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)子课题“植物调控土壤微生物组成的生态化学计量机制”(编号XDB15010404),执行期2014~2018,子课题负责人 (335.84万元)

9. 国家自然科学基金委重大国际(地区)合作研究项目“草原生态系统对极端气候事件的响应:中美联网研究”(编号41320104002),执行期2014.01-2018.12,主要参加人(项目总经费315万元)

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“温带草原地下植物繁殖体库与地上植被关系及其对水分和氮素变化的响应”(编号41371077)执行年限:2014.01~2017.12,主持人 (75万元)

11. 科技部科技基础性工作专项“东北草地植物资源专项调查”之课题“呼伦贝尔草地植物资源专项调查”(2014FY210300),执行期2014.05~2019.04,课题负责人 (337万元)

12. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题“人工草地生产力提升的水肥高效调控机理”(编号2015CB150802)之子课题“典型人工草地养分动态与生产力提升的养分调控机制”,执行期2015.01~2019.08,子课题负责人 (117.69万元)

13. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基因型多样性对植物群落生态功能的影响”(编号31570530)执行期2016.01~2019.12,主持人 (74.88万元)

14. 国家重点研发专项项目“北方草甸退化草地治理技术与示范”第二课题“北方草甸退化草地系统性恢复机理及技术基础”之子课题“呼伦贝尔退化草地系统性恢复机理及技术基础”(编号2016YFC0500602-2),执行期2016.06~2020.12,子课题负责人 (60万元)

15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“积雪厚度和雪融时间的变化对温带草原植被特征的影响及其生态学机理” (编号31870422) ,执行期 2019.01~2022.12,主持人 (59万元)

16. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)即“美丽中国”生态文明科技工程专项之专题“北方保护区植被配置技术研发”(编号XDA23080402-2),执行期2019.01-2023.12,专题负责人 (61.5万元)

17. 辽宁省重点研发项目“辽西北风沙干旱区生态治理及产业发展试验示范”(编号2019JH2/10300050),执行期2019.01.012021.12.31, 主持人 (30万元)

18. 辽宁省重大科技专项“辽西北生态系统恢复治理技术集成及生态产业发展示范”(编号2020JH1/10300006),执行期2020.1.1~2022.12.31, 项目负责人 (1000万元)

19. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)即“创建生态草牧业科技体系”之子课题“呼伦贝尔沙地植被恢复技术与近原生群落构建”(编号XDA26020104),执行期2020.11.1~2025.10.31,子课题负责人 (800万元)

20. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“地表关键过程--草原植物不同器官凋落物分解对全球变化的响应及其机制”(编号42230515),执行期2023.1~2027.12,主持人(直接经费273万元)

21. 辽宁省林业和草原局委托项目“辽西北荒漠化和沙化动态监测任务”,执行期2022.1~2023.12,主持人(250.8万元)




Journal of Ecology; Global Change Biology; Ecological Applications; Ecosystems; Journal of Geophysical Research; Plant and Soil; Scientific Reports; PLoS One; Plant Ecology & Diversity; Plant Biology; Journal of Integrative Plant Biology; Biological Invasions; Plant Species Biology; Journal of Plant Ecology; Water, Soil & Air Pollution; Ecological Indicators; Conservation Physiology; Ecology and Evolution; Atmospheric Environment; Journal of Geographical Sciences; Frontiers in Plant Science; Functional Plant Biology; Applied Soil Ecology; Peer J; Oecologia; Catena; Sustainability; International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation; Global Ecology and Conservation


植物生态学报; 生态学报; 应用生态学报; 生态学杂志; 生物多样性; 草业学报; 草地学报



Hu JX, Ma W, Wang ZW*. 2023. Effects of nitrogen addition and drought on the relationship between nitrogen- and water-use efficiency in a temperate grassland. Ecological Processes, 12:36. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-023-00448-7

Luo WT, Shi Y, Wilkins K, Song L, Te NW, Chen JQ, Zhang HX, Yu Q, Wang ZW, Han XG, Collins SL. 2023. Plant traits modulate grassland stability during drought and post-drought periods. Functional Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14409

Luo WT, Muraina TO, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Te NW, Qian JQ, Yu Q, Zuo XA, Wang ZW, Knapp AK, Smith MD, Han XG, Collins SL. 2023. High below-ground bud abundance increases ecosystem recovery from drought across arid and semiarid grasslands. Journal of Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14160

Zhang BC, Ma W, Song L, Liang XS, Xi XQ, Wang ZW*. 2023. Nitrogen addition and experimental drought simplified arthropod network in temperate grassland. Functional Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14341

Luo WT, Ma W, Song L, Te NW, Chen JQ, Muraina TO, Wilkins K, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Ma TX, Qian JQ, Xu C, Yu Q, Wang ZW, Han XG, Collins SL. 2023. Compensatory dynamics drive grassland recovery from drought. Journal of Ecology, DOI10.1111/1365-2745.14096

Li YB, Du XF, Su XL, Han X, Liang WJ, Wang ZW, Bruelheide H, Bezemer TM, Li Q. 2023. Local-scale soil nematode diversity in a subtropical forest depends on the phylogenetic and functional diversity of neighbor trees. Plant and Soil, DOI10.1007/s11104-023-05882-2

Luo WT, Muraina TO, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Ma W, Song L, Fu W, Yu Q, Knapp AK, Wang ZW, Han XG, Collins SL. 2023. Responses of a semiarid grassland to recurrent drought are linked to community functional composition. Ecology, 104(2): DOI10.1002/ecy.3920

Luo WT, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Song L, Te NW, Chen JQ, Shi Y, Muraina TO, Wang ZW, Smith, MD, Yu Q, Knapp AK, Han XG, Collins SL. 2022. Interspecific and intraspecific trait variability differentially affect community-weighted trait responses to and recovery from long-term drought. Functional Ecology, DOI10.1111/1365-2435.14239

Luo WT, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Felton AJ, Yu Q, Wang HY, Zhang HX, Wang ZW, Collins S, Knapp A. 2022. Drought has inconsistent effects on seed trait composition despite their strong association with ecosystem drought sensitivity. Functional Ecology, 36:2690-2700.

Liang XS, Ma W, Qiang Yu, Luo WT, Wang ZW, L XT, Han XG. 2022. Conserved responses of nutrient resorption to extreme drought in a grassland: The role of community compositional changes. Functional Ecology, 36: 2616-2625.

Liang XS, Ma W, Hu JX, Zhang BC, Wang ZW, L XT. 2022. Extreme drought exacerbates plant nitrogen-phosphorus imbalance in nitrogen enriched grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 849:157916.

Dong LL, Berg B, Gu WP, Wang ZW, Sun T. 2022. Effects of different forms of nitrogen addition on microbial extracellular enzyme activity in temperate grassland soil. Ecological Processes, 11: 36. DOI:10.1186/s13717-022-00380-2

Luo WT, Zuo XA, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Xu C, Sardans J, Yu Q, Wang ZW*, Han XG, Pe?uelas J. 2022. Chronic and intense droughts differentially influence grassland carbon-nutrient dynamics along a natural aridity gradient. Plant and soil, 473 (1-2), 137-148.

Song L, Luo WT*, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Ma W, Cai JP, Zuo XA, Yu Q, Hartmann H, Li MH, Smith MD, Collins SL, Knapp AK, Wang ZW*, Han XG. 2022. Differential responses of grassland community nonstructural carbohydrate to experimental drought along a natural aridity gradient. Science of The Total Environment, 822: 153589.

Ma W, Liang XS, Wang ZW*, Luo WT, Yu Q, Han XG. 2022. Resistance of steppe communities to extreme drought in northeast China. Plant and soil, 473:181-194.

Luo WT, Wang XG, Auerswald K, Wang ZW, Bird MI, Still CJ, Lu XT, Han XG. 2021. Effects of plant intraspecific variation on the prediction of C3/C4 vegetation ratio from carbon isotope composition of topsoil organic matter across grasslands. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14:628-637.

Luo WT, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Ma W, Liu B, Zuo XA, Xu C, Yu Q, Luo YH, Mariotte P, Smith MD, Collins SL, Knapp AK, Wang ZW, Han XG. 2021. Plant traits and soil fertility mediate productivity losses under extreme drought in C3 grasslands. Ecology, doi: 10.1002/ECY.3465

Qian JQ, Wang ZW*, Klime?ov J, L XT, Zhang CY. 2021. Belowground bud bank and its relationship with aboveground vegetation under watering and nitrogen addition in temperate semiarid steppe. Ecological Indicators, 125: 107520

Han X, Li YH, Du XF, Li YB, Wang ZW, Jiang SW, Li Qi*. 2020. Effect of grassland degradation on soil quality and soil biotic community in a semi-arid temperate steppe. Ecological Processes. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-020-00256-3

Dong LL, Berg B, Sun T*, Wang ZW*, Han XG. 2020. Response of fine root decomposition to different forms of N deposition in a temperate grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 147: 107845.

Wang XG, L XT*, Zhang HY, Dijkstra FA, Jiang YG, Wang XB, Lu JY, Wang ZW, Han XG. 2020. Changes in soil C:N:P stoichiometry along an aridity gradient in drylands of northern China. Geoderma, 361: 114087.

Hu YY, Sistla S, Wei HW, Zhang ZW, Hou SL, Yang JJ, Wang ZW, Wang JF, L XT*. 2020. Legacy effects of nitrogen deposition on plant nutrient stoichiometry in a temperate grassland. Plant and soil, 446: 503-513.

Zhu EX, Liu T, Zhou L, Wang SM, Wang X, Zhang ZH, Wang ZW, Bai YF, Feng XJ*. 2020. Leaching of organic carbon from grassland soils under anaerobiosis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141: 107684.

Wang RZ*, Cao YZ, Wang HY, Dijkstra FA, Jiang JL, Zhao RN, Ma W, Li TP, Dorodnikov M, Wang ZW, Sardans J, Pe?uelas J. 2019. Exogenous P compounds differentially interacted with N availability to regulate enzymatic activities in a meadow steppe. European Journal of Soil Science, 71: 667-680.

Wang XG, L XT*, Dijkstra FA, Zhang HY, Wang XB, Wuyunna, Wang ZW, Feng J, Han XG. 2019. Changes of plant N:P stoichiometry across a 3000-km aridity transect in grasslands of northern China. Plant and soil, 443: 107-119.

Liu HY, Wang RZ*, Wang HY, Cao YZ, Dijkstra FA, Shi Z, Cai JP, Wang ZW, Zou HT*, Jiang Y. 2019. Exogenous phosphorus compounds interact with nitrogen availability to regulate dynamics of soil inorganic phosphorus fractions in a meadow steppe. Biogeosciences, 16: 4293-4306.

Luo WT, Zuo XA*, Griffin-Nolan RJ, Xu C, Ma W, Song L, Helsen K, Lin YC, Cai JP, Yu Qiang, Wang ZW*, Smith MD, Han XG, Knapp AK. 2019. Long term experimental drought alters community plant trait variation, not trait means, across three semiarid grasslands. Plant and Soil, 442: 343-353. 

Dong LL, Sun T*, Berg B, Zhang LL*, Zhang QQ, Wang ZW. 2019. Effects of different forms of N deposition on leaf litter decomposition and extracellular enzyme activities in a temperate grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 134: 78-80.

Sun T*, Zhang HG, Wang ZW. 2019. Reply To Tedersoo et al.: Plant species within the same family or genus can have different mycorrhizal types? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116: 12141-12142.

Yang GJ, L Xiaotao*, Stevens CJ, Zhang GM, Wang HY, Wang ZW, Zhang ZJ, Liu ZY, Han XG. 2019. Mowing mitigates the negative impacts of N addition on plant species diversity. Oecologia, 189: 769-779.

Wang XB, Yao J, Zhang HY, Wang XG, Li KH, Lu XT, Wang ZW, Zhou JZ, Han XG*. 2019. Environmental and spatial variables determine the taxonomic but not functional structure patterns of microbial communities in alpine grasslands. Science of the Total Environment, 654: 960-968.

Yuanyuan Huang, Yuxin Chen, Nadia Castro-Izaguirre, Martin Baruffol, Matteo Brezzi, Anne Lang, Ying Li, Werner H?rdtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Xuefei Yang, Xiaojuan Liu, Kequan Pei, Sabine Both, Bo Yang, David Eichenberg, Thorsten Assmann, J rgen Bauhus, Thorsten Behrens, Fran?ois Buscot, Xiao-Yong Chen, Douglas Chesters, Bing-Yang Ding, Walter Durka, Alexandra Erfmeier, Jingyun Fang, Markus Fischer, Liang-Dong Guo, Dali Guo, Jessica L. M. Gutknecht, Jin-Sheng He, Chun-Ling He, Andy Hector, LydiaH?nig, Ren-Yong Hu, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Peter K hn, Yu Liang, Shan Li, Stefan Michalski, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten, Andreas Schuldt, Xuezheng Shi, Man-Zhi Tan, Zhiyao Tang, Stefan Trogisch, Zhengwen Wang, ErikWelk, ChristianWirth, TesfayeWubet, Wenhua Xiang, Mingjian Yu, Xiao-Dong Yu, Jiayong Zhang, Shouren Zhang, Naili Zhang, Hong-Zhang Zhou, Chao-Dong Zhu, Li Zhu, Helge Bruelheide*, Keping Ma*, Pascal A. Niklaus*, Bernhard Schmid*. 2018. Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science, 362: 80–83.

Sun T*, Hobbie SE, Berg B, Zhang HG, Wang QK, Wang ZW*, H?ttenschwiler S. 2018. Contrasting dynamics and trait controls in first-order root compared with leaf litter decomposition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115:10392-10397. Doi: org/10.1073/pnas.1716595115.

Luo WT, Zuo XA, Ma W, Xu C, Li A, Yu Q, Knapp AK, Tognetti R, Dijkstra FA, Li MH, Han GD, Wang ZW*, Han XG. 2018. Differential responses of canopy nutrients to experimental drought along a natural aridity gradient. Ecology, 99: 2230-2239. Doi:10.1002/ecy.2444.

Luo WT, Xu C, Ma Wang, Yue XY, Liang XS, Zuo XA, Knapp AK, Smith MD, Sardans J, Dijkstra FA,  Pe?uelas J, Bai YF, Wang ZW*, Yu Q*, Han XG. 2018. Effects of extreme drought on plant nutrient uptake and resorption in rhizomatous vs bunchgrass?dominated grasslands. Oecologia, 188:633–643.

Luo WT, Wang XG, Sardans J, Wang ZW, Dijkstra FA, L XT*, Pe?uelas J, Han XG. 2018. Higher capability of C3 than C4 plants to use nitrogen inferred from nitrogen stable isotopes along an aridity gradient. Plant and Soil, 428: 93–103.

Wang HY, Wang ZW, Ding R, Hou SL, Yang GJ, L XT*, Han XG. 2018. The impacts of nitrogen deposition on community N:P stoichiometry do not depend on phosphorus availability in a temperate meadow steppe. Environmental Pollution, 242: 82-89.

Zhang HY, L XT, Knapp AK, Hartmann H, Bai E, Wang XB, Wang ZW, Wang XG, Yu Q*, Han XG*. 2018. Facilitation by leguminous shrubs increases along a precipitation gradient. Functional Ecology, 32(1): 203-213. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12941

Qian JQ, Wang ZW, Klime?ov J, L XT, Kuang WN, Liu ZM*, Han XG. 2017. Differences in belowground bud bank density and composition along a climatic gradient in the temperate steppe of northern China. Annals of Botany, 120: 755-764.

Luo WT, Li MH, Sardans J, Lv XT, Wang C, Pe?uelas J, Wang ZW, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2017. Carbon and nitrogen allocation shifts in plants and soils along aridity and fertility gradients in grasslands of China. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 6927–6934.

Liu MZ, Wang ZW*, Li SS, L XT, Wang XB, Han XG. 2017. Changes in specific leaf area of dominant plants in temperate grasslands along a 2500-km transect in northern China. Scientific Reports, 7: 10780, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11133-z

Wang XB, L XT, Yao J, Wang ZW, Deng Y, Cheng WX, Zhou JZ, Han XG*. 2017. Habitat-specific patterns and drivers of bacterial -diversity in China’s drylands. The ISME Journal, doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.11.

Li SS, Tong YW, Wang ZW*. 2017. Species and genetic diversity affect leaf litter decomposition in subtropical broadleaved forest in southern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(1): 232241.

Luo WT, Sardans J, Dijkstra FA, Penuelas J, Lu XT, Wu HH, Li MH, Bai E, Wang ZW, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2016. Thresholds in decoupled soil-plant elements under changing climatic conditions. Plant and Soil, 409: 159–173.

Zhou C, Busso C, Liu J, Yang YG, Sun Y, Fang YZ, Zhang QQ, Zhou YB, Wang YN, Zhang Z*, Wang ZW, Yang YF. 2016. Total aboveground plant biomass is more strongly affected by climate than species diversity on a grassland in Liaoning, China. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 85: 125–130.

Sun T, Dong LL, Wang ZW, Lu XT, Mao ZJ*. 2016. Effects of long-term nitrogen deposition on fine root decomposition and its extracellular enzyme activities in temperate forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 93: 50–59.

Sun T*, Dong LL, Zhang LL, Wu ZJ, Wang QK, Li YY, Zhang HG, Wang ZW. 2016. Early stage fine-root decomposition and its relationship with root order and soil depth in a Larix gmelinii plantation. Forests, 7: DOI: 10.3390/f7100234

Tian QY, Liu NN, Bai WM, Li LH, Chen JQ, Reich PB, Yu Q, Guo DL, Smith MD, Knapp AK, Cheng WX, Lu P, Gao Y, Yang A, Wang TZ, Li X, Wang ZW, Ma YB, Han XG, Zhang WH*. 2016. A novel soil manganese mechanism drives plant species loss with increased nitrogen deposition in a temperate steppe. Ecology, 97: 65–74.

Wang ZW*, Bossdorf O, Prati Daniel, Fischer M, van Kleunen M. 2016. Transgenerational effects of land use on offspring performance and growth in Trifolium repens. Oecologia, 180: 409–420.

Zhao N, Wang ZW, Shao XQ, Wang K*. 2016. Diversity components and assembly patterns of plant functional traits determine community spatial stability under resource gradients in a desert steppe. Rangeland Journal, 38: 511–521.

Lu LY, Wang RZ*, Liu HY, Yin JF, Xiao JT, Wang ZW, Zhao Y, Yu GQ, Han XG, Jiang Y. 2016. Effect of soil coarseness on soil base cations and available micronutrients in a semi-arid sandy grassland. Solid Earth, 7: 549–556.

L XT*, Freschet GT, Kazakou E, Wang ZW, Zhou LS, Han XG. 2015. Contrasting responses in leaf nutrient-use strategies of two dominant grass species along a 30-yr temperate steppe grazing exclusion chronosequence. Plant and Soil, 387:69–79.

Luo WT, Elser JJ, L XT, Wang ZW, Bai E, Yan CF, Wang C, Li MH, Zimmermann NE, Han XG, Xu ZW, Li Hui, Wu YN, Jiang Y*. 2015. Plant nutrients do not covary with soil nutrients under changing climatic conditions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29: 1298–1308.

Qian JQ, Busso CB, Wang ZW, Liu ZM*. 2015. Ramet Recruitment from Different Bud Types along a Grassland Degradation Gradient in Inner Mongolia, China. Polish Journal of Ecology 63(1): 38-52.

Luo WT, Nelson PN, Li MH, Cai JP, Zhang YY, Zhang YG, Yang S, Wang RZ, Wang ZW, Wu YN, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2015. Contrasting pH buffering patterns in neutral-alkaline soils along a 3600km transect in northern China. Biogeosciences, 12, 7047–7056.

Yu Q*, Wu HH, Wang ZW*, Flynn DFB, Yang H, L FM, Smith M, Han XG. 2015. Long term prevention of disturbance induces the collapse of a dominant species without altering ecosystem function. Scientific Reports 5, DOI:10.1038/srep14320

Zhou C, Wang ZW (Co-first author), Guo JY, Zhang Z, Yang YF. 2015. Clonal patch size and ramet position of Leymus chinensis affected reproductive allocation. PLoS ONE, 10(10): e0140350. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140350

Zhou C, Zhang Z, Wang ZW*, Yang YF. 2014. Difference in capacity of physiological integration between two ecotypes of Leymus chinensis underlies their different performance. Plant and soil, 383:191-202.

Li YY, Lv XT, Wang ZW*, Zhou C, Han XG. 2014. Linking relative growth rate to biomass allocation: the responses of a grass (Leymus chinensis) to nitrogen addition. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 83: 283-289.

Lv XT*, Dijkstra FA, Kong, DL, Wang ZW, Han XG. 2014. Plant nitrogen uptake drives responses of productivity to nitrogen and water addition in a grassland. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep04817

Qian JQ, Wang ZW*, Liu ZM*, Busso C. 2014. Belowground bud bank responses to grazing intensity on a typical steppe in Inner-Mongolia, China. Land Degradation & Development, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2300

Qian JQ, Wang ZW, Liu ZM*, Kuang WN, CA Busso. 2014. Contribution of different bud types to community regeneration on a typical steppe under various enclosure durations in Inner Mongolia, China. Phyton-international Journal of Experimental Botany, 83: 247-254.

Lu XT*, Reed S, Yu Q, He NP, Wang ZW, Han XG. 2013. Convergent responses of nitrogen and phosphorus resorption to nitrogen inputs in a semiarid grassland. Global Change Biology, 19: 2775-2784.

Wang ZW*, van Kleunen M, During HJ, Werger MJA. 2013. Root foraging increases performance of the clonal plant Potentilla reptans in heterogeneous nutrient environments. PLoS ONE, 8(3): e58602. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058602.

Wei CZ, Yu Q (co-first author), Bai E, Lu XT, Li Q, Xia JY, Kardol P, Liang WJ, Wang ZW, Han XG*. 2013. Nitrogen deposition weakens plant-microbe interactions in grassland ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 19: 3688-3697.

Zhang HY, Wu HH, Yu Q*, Wang ZW, Wei CZ, Long M, Kattge J, Smith M, Han XG*. 2013. Sampling date, leaf age and root size: Implications for the study of plant C:N:P stoichiometry. PLoS ONE, 8(4): e60360.

Wang ZW*, Li YH, During HJ, Li LH. 2011. Do Clonal Plants Show Greater Division of Labour Morphologically and Physiologically at Higher Patch Contrasts? PLoS ONE, 6(9): e25401. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025401.

Zhao N, Wang ZW, Lv JY, Wang K*. 2010. Relationship between plant diversity and spatial stability of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) across different grassland ecosystems. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9: 6708-6715.

Bai WM, Sun XQ, Wang ZW, Li LH*. 2009. Nitrogen addition and rhizome severing modify clonal growth and reproductive modes of Leymus chinensis population. Plant Ecology, 205: 13–21.

Bai WM, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Zhang WH, Li LH*. 2008. Spatial and temporal effects of nitrogen addition on root lifespan of Leymus chinensis in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. Functional Ecology, 22: 583-591.

Wang ZW, Xu AK, Zhu TC*. 2008. Plasticity in bud demography of a rhizomatous clonal plant Leymus chinensis L. in response to soil water status. Journal of Plant Biology, 51: 102-107.

Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Chen SP, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Bai WM. 2006. Nitrogen response efficiency increased monotonically with decreasing soil resource availability: a case study from a semiarid grassland in northern China. Oecologia, 148: 564–572.

Wang ZW*, Li LH, Han XG, Dong M. 2004. Do rhizome severing and shoot defoliation affect clonal growth of Leymus chinensis at ramet population level? Acta Oecologica, 26 (3): 255-260.

李月辉,胡远满,王正文*.2023. 山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程与景观生态学.应用生态学报,34(1):249-256.

张效境, 马望, 王正文.2022. 刈割制度对呼伦贝尔草原群落特征及牧草质量的影响. 应用生态学报,  33( 6) : 1555-1562.

张效境, 梁潇洒, 马望, 王正文*. 2021. 呼伦贝尔草地植物茎秆和叶片中养分的时间动态与回收. 植物生态学报45 (7): 738-748. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0125.

周全来, 王正文, 齐凤林, 杨达志, 门红艳, 孙彪, 齐楠, 崔雪,王永翠*. 2021.少花蒺藜草生物生态学特征与综合防除策略. 生态学杂志. 2021, 40 (8): 2593-2600.

王洪义,常继方, 王正文. 2020. 退化草地恢复过程中群落物种多样性及生产力对氮磷养分的响应. 中国农业科学,53(13): 2604-2613.

敖小蔓,孟倩,徐智超,王洪义,王正文,王永慧. 2020. 氮、磷添加对呼伦贝尔草甸草原生态系统净 CO2 交换的影响. 草业科学, 37(8): 1428-1439.

白龙, 段博文, 陈曦, 王正文, 于景华, 曹伟, 吕林有, 周婵, 曲波, 马凤江. 2020. 辽宁省西部低山丘陵区草地类型分布及植物区系特征. 草地学报, 28(6): 1726-1735.

宋琳, 雒文涛*, 马望, 何鹏, 梁潇洒, 王正文. 2020. 极端干旱对草甸草原优势植物非结构性碳水化合物的影响. 植物生态学报, 44 (6): 669-676. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0331

郝建辉, 陈 曦, 齐凤林, 李瑛芙, 刘英, 刘军, 任百慧, 王正文, 白龙. 2020. 辽西北沙地草原乡土植物资源及园林应用综合评价. 草地学报, 28(3): 852-856.

梁潇洒,张立奇,闫庆忠,张庆宏,宋志永,庄 艳,吴一鸣,张自良,王正文*. 2019. 围栏封育恢复和提升辽西退化草地的碳固持功能. 中国草地学报, 41(2): 65-70.

梁潇洒,马望,王洪义,雒文涛,王正文*. 2019. 呼伦贝尔草原3种植物的功能性状对氮磷添加的响应. 中国草地学报, 41(1): 61-67.

白龙,闫加乐,刘英,刘军,杨季云,陈曦,刘慧林,王正文*. 2018. 辽河平原北部草地类型特征及分布现状. 草地学报26 (3): 566-575.

杨筑筑,吕晓涛,宋彦涛,贾子金,乌云娜,王正文*. 2017. 草原植物群落分类方法的比较研究—以呼伦贝尔草原为例. 生态学杂志36 (8): 2375-2384.

高宗宝,王洪义,吕晓涛,王正文*. 2017. 氮磷添加对呼伦贝尔草甸草原4种优势植物根系和叶片C∶N∶P化学计量特征的影响. 生态学杂志36 (1): 80-88.

李媛媛, 王正文, 孙涛*.  2017. 氮添加对温带森林细根长期分解的影响. 植物研究,37(6): 848-854.

李姗姗, 王正文*, 杨俊杰. 2016. 凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物群落的变化. 生物多样性, 24(2): 195-204.

马俐, 周志强, 王正文*. 2016. 刈割和氮添加对松嫩平原羊草草原碳固持的影响. 生态学杂志, 35(1): 87-94.

李元恒,韩国栋,王珍,王正文,赵萌莉,王萨仁娜.2015. 增温和氮素添加降低荒漠草原多年生植物氮素回收效率.生态学报35( 18) : 5948-5956.

李元恒,韩国栋,王珍,赵萌莉,王正文,赵鸿彬. 2014. 增温和氮素添加对内蒙古荒漠草原植物生殖物候的影响. 生态学杂志33( 4) : 849-856.

李元恒,韩国栋,王正文,白文明,赵萌莉. 2014. 内蒙古克氏针茅草原土壤种子库对刈割和放牧干扰的响应. 生态学杂志33 (1): 1-9.

童跃伟、项文化、王正文*、Walter Durka、Markus Fischer. 2013. 地形、邻株植物及自身大小对红楠幼树生长与存活的影响. 生物多样性, 21 (3): 269-277.

王洪义,王正文*. 2013. 羊草种群对遮荫的适应性生长对策. 生态学杂志32 (8): 1987-1993.

周婵、张卓、王红艳、熊乾、郭平、王正文、杨允菲. 2013. 异质生境不同叶色羊草生殖生长规律的研究. 草地学报21(2):253-259.

李元恒,金龙,韩国栋,王正文,赵萌莉,王玉玺. 2013. 植物单宁在反刍动物营养和健康养殖作用中的研究进展. 草地学报21(6):1043-1051.

李元恒,王正文*,马晖玲. 2008. 克隆植物的劳动分工与生境斑块对比度. 植物生态学报, 32: 1166-1174.

Zhao N, Li YH, Wang ZW*, Liu RT. 2008. Seedling dynamics in response to mowing and grazing in a typical steppe community in Inner Mongolia, China. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 32: 591-600.

Wang ZW. 2007. Temporal variation of water-soluble carbohydrate in the rhizome clonal grass Leymus chinensis in response to defoliation. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 31(4): 673-679.

王洪义、王正文*、李凌浩、 陈雅君、任丽昀. 2005. 不同生境中克隆植物的繁殖倾向. 生态学杂志 24(6): 670-676.

王正文、祝廷成. 2004. 松嫩草原主要草本植物的生态位关系及其对水淹干扰的响应,草业学报, 13(3): 27-33.

王正文、祝廷成、臧传来. 2004.水淹干扰对松嫩草原三种禾草种群分布格局的影响. 草地学报, 12(1): 3-7.

王正文、祝廷成. 2003. 松嫩草原主要草本植物的种间关系及其对水淹干扰的响应. 应用生态学报14(6): 892-896.

王正文、祝廷成. 2003. 水淹干扰对羊草草地地上生物量影响的初步研究. 应用生态学报14(12): 2162-2166.

王正文,邢福,祝廷成,李宪长. 2002. 松嫩平原羊草草地植物功能群组成及多样性特征对水淹梯度的响应. 植物生态学报26(6): 708-716.

王正文、祝廷成. 2002. 松嫩草地水淹干扰后的土壤种子库特征及其与植被关系.生态学报22 (9): 21-28.

王正文、李凌浩. 2001. 水淹干扰生态学研究进展. 植物科学进展4: 311-320.

王正文、王德利、藏传来、杨莲双. 2001.大兴安岭次生林白桦对林下日阴菅及其它草本植物的影响.生态学报21(8): 1301-1307.

王正文、王德利. 2001.大兴安岭森林草原过渡带白桦及主要草本植物生态位关系的研究. 应用生态学报12 (5): 677-681.

邢福,王正文. 2000. 科尔沁草地有毒植物及保障家畜安全的对策. 草业学报9(3): 66-73.

王德利,王正文,张喜军. 1999. 羊草两个趋异类型的光合生理生态特性比较的初步研究. 生态学报19(6): 837-843.

王萍、张宏一、殷立娟、王正文、周波. 1997. 盐碱生境对星星草吸收Na+ 及Na+在体内区域化分布的影响. 草业学报6(4): 44-48.



王正文. 2001. 松嫩草原对水淹的扰动生态学研究. 新世纪、新机遇、新挑战——知识创新和高新技术产业发展会议论文集.

祝廷成; 杨允菲; 王正文. 2000. 吉林省西部的草地. 草业与西部大开发学术研讨会暨中国草原学会2000年学术年会论文集.


Presentations at Conferences

Wang ZW. 2019. How plant adapt to extreme drought at species and community level? The 18th Chinese Ecological Conference. Kunming, Nov. 28-30, 2019 (Oral presentation)

Wang ZW. 2019. The adaptive strategies of plants under extreme drought. China Grassland Science 2019 Annual Meeting. Xi’an, Nov. 21-23, 2019 (Oral presentation)

Wang ZW. 2019. The plot and conception for regional biodiversity monitoring of Erguna Ecological Research Station. The 3rd nation-wide symposium on biodiversity monitoring. Kaihua, Oct. 13-14, 2019 (Oral presentation)

Wang ZW. 2017. Advantages and Disadvantages of Grassland Enclosing. China Grassland Science 2017 Annual Meeting. Guangzhou, Nov. 5-8, 2017 (Oral presentation), Guangzhou, China.

Wang ZW. 2015. Effects of tree species & genetic diversity on litter decomposition in the subtropical forest in China. The Sino-German-Swiss workshop “Next generation Biodiversity Ecosystem Functioning research in Chinese subtropical forests”. Jingdezhen, March 18-22, 2015 (Oral presentation), Jingdezhen, China

Wang ZW. 2014. Relative contribution of species diversity and genetic diversity to litter decomposition. The Sino-German-Swiss workshop“Linking Chinese and German Biodiversity Ecosystem Functioning research in forests”. Halle and Tuebingen, May 4-10, 2014 (Oral presentation), Halle and Tuebingen, Germany

Wang ZW. 2013. Stoichiometric homeostasis underlies species dominance, stability and responses to global change. Workshop Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning research in subtropical forests. Wuyuan, Oct. 26- 28, 2013(oral presentation) , Wuyuan, China

Wang ZW, van Kleunen M, During HJ, Werger MJA. 2012. Benefits and costs of root foraging in the clonal plant Potentilla reptans. The 10th clonal plant workshop. Beijing. Oct. 12-16, 2012 (oral presentation), Beijing, China

Wang ZW. 2011. Genetic variation, evolutionary cost and the driving factors. The Workshop Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning research in subtropical forests. Beijing, May 4th, 2011 (oral presentation), Beijing, China

Wang ZW, During HJ. 2010. Cost of root foraging and sexual reproduction during genotypic selection in Potentilla reptans. Plant Population Biology: Crossing Borders. Nijmegen, May 13-15, 2010 (Poster), Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Wang ZW. 2007. Division of Labor of clonal plants needs a minimum patchy contrast—A case study with Potentilla anserina L. The 2nd Nationwide Forum of Clonal Plant Ecology of China. Yantai, Oct. 20-21, 2007 (Oral presentation), Yantai, China

Wang ZW. 2005. Growing Strategies of a Rhizomatous Clonal Plant Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. in Response to Defoliation at Ramet Population Level. The 1st Nationwide Forum of Clonal Plant Ecology of China. Guilin, June 8-10, 2005 (Oral presentation), Guilin, China




钱建强. 2014. 内蒙古草原地下芽库时空格局及其繁殖贡献. 中国科学院大学博士学位论文(论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳 (副导师,与刘志民研究员联合培养).

刘梦舟. 2017. 中国北方草原优势植物种内与种间性状变异的研究. 中国科学院大学博士学位论文(论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳(副导师,与韩兴国研究员联合培养).

王洪义. 2018. 磷氮添加对呼伦贝尔草地生态系统结构和功能的影响. 中国科学院大学博士学位论文(论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳 (副导师,与韩兴国研究员联合培养).

马望. 2020. 内蒙古草原干旱诱导的植物地上功能性状变异与群落构建过程. 中国科学院大学博士学位论文(论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳 (副导师,与韩兴国研究员联合培养).

胡艳宇. 2021.



王洪义. 2005. 羊草分株种群特征及繁殖策略对遮荫干扰的响应. 东北农业大学硕士学位论文,哈尔滨(副导师,与东北农业大学陈雅君教授联合培养).

赵娜. 2007. 内蒙古典型草原群落及实生苗更新动态对刈牧干扰的响应. 甘肃农业大学硕士学位论文,兰州(副导师,与甘肃农业大学刘荣堂教授联合培养)

李元恒. 2008. 内蒙古典型草原植物生殖物候对气候变化和人为干扰的响应. 甘肃农业大学硕士学位论文,兰州(副导师,与甘肃农业大学马晖玲教授联合培养)

童跃伟. 2013. 红楠幼树生长与地形、邻株植物及自身大小的关系研究. 中南林业科技大学硕士学位论文,长沙 (副导师,与中南林业科技大学项文化教授联合培养)

张春艳. 2014. 克氏针茅草原芽库及主要植物有性生殖对模拟增雨和氮沉降的响应. 东北师范大学硕士学位论文,长春 (副导师,与东北师范大学杨允菲教授联合培养)

马俐. 2015. 松嫩草原羊草草地的碳储量现状及其碳通量对刈割和氮添加的响应. 东北林业大学硕士学位论文,哈尔滨 (副导师,与东北林业大学周志强教授联合培养)

李姗姗. 2015. 植物多样性对亚热带阔叶林叶凋落物分解的影响. 中国科学院大学硕士学位论文(论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳.

高宗宝. 2016. 呼伦贝尔草甸草原4种优势植物根系和叶片碳氮磷化学计量特征及对氮磷添加的响应. 中国科学院大学硕士学位论文(论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳.

杨筑筑. 2017. 呼伦贝尔草原不同尺度下的植物多样性和生产力关系. 中国科学院大学硕士学位论文 (论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳.

刘宏达. 2017. 人工草地羊草种群对水肥调控的生理生态响应. 大连民族大学硕士学位论文,大连 (副导师,与大连民族大学乌云娜教授联合培养)

胡艳宇. 2018. 草地生态系统结构与功能对氮沉降的响应:氮沉降历史的重要性. 中国科学院大学硕士学位论文 (论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳.

梁潇洒. 2019. 养分添加及极端干旱对草甸草地植物养分回收的影响. 中国科学院大学硕士学位论文 (论文完成单位:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),沈阳.

宋琳. 2020.

周一平. 2020. 氮沉降和干旱对北方草原植物群落性状的影响. 沈阳大学硕士学位论文,沈阳 (副导师,与沈阳大学张玉革教授联合培养).

张效境. 2022.

胡嘉芯. 2023.








1. 《中国东北草地植物资源及其保护与利用》(王正文、张文浩主编), 2023. 北京:科学出版社.

2. 《辽宁草地植物图谱》(王艳、吕林有、陈曦、王正文等著),2022. 北京:科学出版社.




2. 《羊草生物生态学》(祝廷成主编),吉林科学技术出版社,2004,长春。

3. 《东北草地常见植物图谱》(崔国文等编著),科学出版社,2016,北京。



1. 围封对辽西北半农半牧区草原生态服务功能影响的研究,辽宁省畜牧业科技贡献(一等奖),辽宁省畜牧兽医局. 2017. (排名第2).

2. “辽西北草原生产和生态服务功能围封效应评估与可持续管理模式构建”,中国草业科学技术奖(二等奖),中国草学会. 2020. (排名第2).

3. 2020年12月荣获“辽宁省学术头雁”荣誉称号。

4. 2023年获得辽宁省“兴辽英才”计划领军人才荣誉称号。


























Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany

副编辑(Associate editor)