1. Xu Zhichao, Johnson Daniel J., Zhu Kai, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Mao Zikun, Fang Shuai, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Interannual climate variability has predominant effects on seedling survival in a temperate forest. Ecology, 2022, e3643.
2. Lin Guigang, Yuan Zuoqiang, Zhang Yansong, Zeng Dehui and Wang Xugao*. Dominant tree mycorrhizal associations affect soil nitrogen transformation rates by mediating microbial abundances in a temperate forest. Biogeochemistry, 2022, 158(3): 405-421.
3. Wang Bojian#, Fang Shuai#, Wang Yunyun, Guo Qinghua, Hu Tianyu, Mi Xiangcheng, Lin Luxiang, Jin Guangze, Coomes David, Yuan Zuoaiqng, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao, Lin Fei* and Hao Zhanqing*. The Shift from Energy to Water Limitation in Local Canopy Height from Temperate to Tropical Forests in China. Forests, 2022, 10. 3390.
4. Zhu Meihui, Ester Gonzalez de Andres, Wang Yunyun, Xu Zhichao, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Fang Shuai, Mao Zikun, Wang Xugao and Hao Zhanqing*. El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation affects the species-level temporal variation in seed and leaf fall in a mixed temperate forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 850: 157751.
5. Jia Shihong, Wang Xugao*, Hao Zhanqing and Bagchi Robert. The effects of natural enemies on herb diversity in a temperate forest depend on species traits and neighbouring tree composition. Journal of Ecology, 2022, 110(11): 2615-2627.
6. Ren Jing#, Fang Shuai#, Wang Qingwei, Liu Hongyan, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing, Wang Xugao*, Fortunel Claire* and Notes Author. Ontogeny influences tree growth response to soil fertility and neighborhood crowding in an old-growth temperate forest. Annals of Botany, 2022, doi: org/10.1093/aob/mcac146.
7. Zhang Mengxu, Sayer Emma J., Zhang Weidong, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Hao Zhanqing, Fang Shuai, Mao Zikun, Ren Jing and Wang Xugao*. Seasonal Influence of Biodiversity on Soil Respiration in a Temperate Forest. Plants, 2022, 11: 3391.
8. 王舶鉴,蔺菲*,房帅,王宁宁,胡天宇,任海保,米湘成,林露湘,原作强,王绪高,郝占庆. 近地面激光雷达点云密度对森林冠层结构参数提取准确性的影响. 生态学报, 2022, 43(2), doi: 10.5846/stxb202103100661.
9. 王星,杨腾,毛子昆,蔺菲,叶吉,房帅,戴冠华,胡家瑞,郝占庆,王绪高,原作强*. 长白山阔叶红松林优势树种叶际真菌群落结构. 应用生态学报,2022, 33(9): 2405-2412.
10. 褚阔, 何海燕, 陈庆英, 蔡凤坤, 宋光, 叶吉*. 长白山阔叶红松林树种间相互作用对树木生长与存活的影响. 生态学杂志, 2022, 41(6): 1050-1055.
11. 郑迪,沈国春,王舶鉴,戴冠华,胡家瑞,蔺菲,叶吉,房帅,郝占庆,王绪高,原作强*. 基于无人机高光谱影像和深度学习算法的长白山针阔混交林优势树种分类研究. 生态学杂志,2022,41(5): 1024-1032.
12. 米湘成#, 王绪高#, 沈国春#, 刘徐兵, 宋晓阳, 乔秀娟, 冯刚, 杨洁, 毛子昆, 徐学红, 马克平*. 中国森林生物多样性监测网络: 二十年群落构建机制探索的回顾与展望. 生物多样性, 2022, 30(10): 22504.
13. 王绪高,原作强,房帅,毛子昆. 生物多样性如何影响温带森林生态系统功能. 首届植物科学前沿学术大会摘要集(一),2022, 61-62.
14. 原作强,王星,毛子昆,蔺菲,叶吉,房帅,王绪高*,郝占庆*. 典型温带树种固碳速率研究. 北京林业大学学报,2022,44(10):43-51.
1. Liu Bo, Zhang Jinlong, Lau Matthew K., Wang Xugao, Liang Yu and Ma Tianxiao. Diversification and phylogenetic correlation of functional traits for co-occurring understory species in the Chinese boreal forest. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022, doi: 10.1111/jse.12840.
2. Yang Shan, Wu Hui, Wang Zhirui, Semenov Mikhail V., Ye Ji, Yin Liming, Wang Xugao, Kravchenko Irina, Semenov Vyacheslav, Kuzyakov Yakov, Jiang Yong and Li Hui. Linkages between the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration and microbial life strategy are dependent on sampling season. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 172: 108758.
3. Su Yanjun, ......Hao Zhanqing...... Human-Climate Coupled Changes in Vegetation Community Complexity of China Since 1980s. Earths Future, 2022, 10(7): e2021EF002553.
4. Piponiot Camille,......Yuan Zuoqiang... Distribution of biomass dynamics in relation to tree size in forests across the world. New Phytologist, 2022, 234(5): 1664-1677.
5. Karami Mona, Heydari Mehdi, Sheykholeslami Ali, Eshagh Nimvari Majid, Omidipour Reza, Yuan Zuoqiang and Prevosto Bernard. Dieback intensity but not functional and taxonomic diversity indices predict forest productivity in different management conditions: Evidence from a semi-arid oak forest ecosystem. Journal of Arid Land, 2022, 14(2): 225-244.
6. Needham Jessica F.......Yuan Zuoqiang.... Demographic composition, not demographic diversity, predicts biomass and turnover across temperate and tropical forests. Global change biology, 2022, 28(9): 2895-2909.
7. Wu Wenlan, Wang Xiaoxue, Zhao Tao, Zhang Wenfu, Fang Shuai, Xu Yu and Zhang Kai. Tropical-temperate comparisons in insect seed predation vary between study levels and years. Ecology and Evolution, 2022, doi: 10. 1002/ ece3.9256.
8. Zhao Lina, Yu Binbin, Wang Mengmeng, Zhang Jie, Shen Zhifeng, Cui Yang, Li Junyong, Ye Ji, Zu Weizhong, Liu Xiaojing, Fan Zongji, Fu Shenglei and Shao Yuanhu. The effects of plant resource inputs on the energy flux of soil nematodes are affected by climate and plant resource type. Soil Ecology Letters, 2022, 3(2): 134-144.
9. Yang Zhichun, Luo Ying, Ye Nan, Yang Lishunan, Yin Qiulong, Jia Shihong, He Chunmei, Yuan Zuoqiang, Hao Zhanqing and Ali Arshad. Disentangling the effects of species interactions and environmental factors on the spatial pattern and coexistence of two congeneric Pinus species in a transitional climatic zone. Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 12(9): e9275.