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2. Xue, C.Y., Sun, L.Z., Qu, B., Gao, Y.M., Liu, Z., Guo, C., Liu, W.B., Chang, W.Y., Tai, P.D. Grafting with an invasive Xanthium strumarium improves tolerance and phytoremediation of native congener X. sibiricum to cadmium/copper/nickel tailings. Chemosphere. 2022, 308, 136561.
3. Sun, L.Z., Xue, C.Y., Guo, C., Jia, C.Y., Yuan, H.H., Pan, X.W., Tai, P.D. Maintenance of grafting reducing cadmium accumulation in soybean (Glycine max) is mediated by DNA methylation. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 847, 157488.
4. Sun, L.Z., Xue, C.Y., Guo, C., Jia, C.Y., Li, X.J., Tai, P.D. Regulatory actions of rare earth elements (La and Gd) on the cell cycle of root tips in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.). Chemosphere. 2022, 307, 135795.
5. Xue, C.Y., Tai, P.D., Gao, Y.M., Qu, B. Phytoremediation potential of hybrids of the exotic plant Xanthium strumarium and its native congener Xanthium sibiricum for cadmium-contaminated soils, International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2022, 24, 1292-1300.
6. Sun, L.Z., Jia, C.Y., Xue, C.Y., Guo, C., Li, X.J., Tai, P.D. Mechanism and stability of low cadmium accumulation in grafted soybeans induced by rootstocks. Plant and soil. 2022. 2022, DOI10.1007/s11104- 022-05740-7.
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8. Chunyun Jia*, Changfeng Liu, Zongqiang Gong, Xiaojun Li, Zijun Ni. Differences in the properties of extracellular polymeric substances responsible for PAH degradation isolated from Mycobacterium gilvum SN12 grown on pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene. Archives of Microbiology, 2022,204:227.
9. Chunyun Jia*, Graeme Allinson, Shujuan Dai, Peidong Tai. Formation process and thermodynamic mechanism of the crust in magnesite mining areas. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022,15(7): 580.
10. Zhang XR, Liao XY, Gong ZQ, Li XJ, Jia CY. Formation of fatty acid methyl ester based microemulsion and removal mechanism of PAHs from contaminated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 413:125460.
11. Cui, W.N., Tai, P.D., Li, X.J., Jia, C.Y., Yuan, H.H., He, L., Sun, L.Z. A reduction in cadmium accumulation and sulphur containing compounds resulting from grafting in eggplants (Solanum melogena) is associated with DNA methylation, Plant and Soil, 2021, 468, 183-196.
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13. Xue, C.Y., Gao, Y.M., Qu, B., Tai, P.D., Guo, C., Chang, W.Y., Zhao, G.H. Hybridization with an invasive plant of Xanthium strumarium improves the tolerance of its native congener X. sibiricum to cadmium. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 12, 696687.
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