
1.Ma, X.S., Zhang, W., Zhang, X.C., Bao, X.L., Xie, H.T., Li, J., He, H.B., Liang, C., Zhang, X.D. 2022.Dynamics of microbial necromass in response to reduced fertilizer application mediated by crop residue return. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108512. 
1.Wang X.X., Zhang W., Liu Y., Jia Z.J., Li H., Yang Y.F., Wang D.M., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2021. Identification of microbial strategies for labile substrate utilization at phylogenetic classification using a microcosm approach. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 153,107970.
2.Zhao Y., Liang C., Shao S., Li J., Xie H.T., Zhang W., Chen F.S., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2021. Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization levels on photosynthesized carbon allocation in a temperate spring wheat and soil system. Pedosphere, 31(1): 191–203.
3.Zhang W., Dong S.H., Nie M., Liang C., Zhang X.C., He, H.B. Zhang X.D. 2021. Effect of temperature on microbial residue dynamics in a temperate farmland soil. Canadian Journal of soil science, 101: 1-4.
1.Zhang W., Zhang X.C., Bai E., Cui Y.H., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2020. The strategy of microbial utilization of the deposited N in a temperate forest soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56(3), 359-367.
2.Hu G.Q., Zhao Y., Liu X., Zhou F., Zhang W., Shao S., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2020. Comparing microbial transformation of maize residue‐N and fertilizer‐N in soil using amino sugar‐specific 15N analysis. European Journal of Soil Science, 71(2), 252-264. 
3.Li X.B., Li Z.A., Zhang X.D., Xi L.L., Zhang W.X., Ma Q.Q., He H.B. 2020. Disentangling immobilization of nitrate by fungi and bacteria in soil to plant residue amendment. Geoderma, 374,114450. 
4.Wang X.X., Zhang W., Zhou F., Liu Y., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2020. Distinct regulation of microbial processes in the immobilization of labile carbon in different soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 142, 107723.
5.Li J., Zhang X.C., Luo J.F., Lindsey S., Zhou F., Xie H.T., Li Y., Zhu P., Wang L.C., Shi Y.L., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2020. Differential accumulation of microbial necromass and plant lignin in synthetic versus organic fertilizer-amended soil.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 149, 107967. 
6.刘肖,胡国庆,何红波,张旭东.2020. 连年秸秆覆盖对玉米产量及土壤微生物残体碳积累的影响.农业工程学报, 36(12): 117-122. 
7.霍海南,李杰,袁磊,解宏图,朱同彬,Christoph Muller,何红波,张旭东.2020. 秸秆还田量对培肥农田黑土氮素初级转化速率的影响.应用生态学报,31(12):1-8.
8.霍海南,李杰,张效琛,朱平,王立春,石元亮,何红波,张旭东. 2020.不同施肥管理措施对农田土壤中植物和微生物残留组分的影响[J].应用生态学报, 31(09):3060-3066.
1.Liu X., Zhou F., Hu G.Q., Shao S., He H.B., Zhang W., Zhang X.D., Li L.J. 2019. Dynamic contribution of microbial residues to soil organic matter accumulation influenced by maize straw mulching. Geoderma, 333:35-42. 
2.Li J., Yang H., Zhou F., Zhang X.C., Luo J.F., Li Y., Lindsey S., Shi Y.L., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2019. Effects of maize residue return rate on nitrogen transformations and gaseous losses in an arable soil. Agricultural Water Management, 211:132-141. 
3.Ding X.L., Zhang B., Filley R.T., Tian C.J., Zhang X.D., He H.B. 2019. Changes of microbial residues after wetland cultivation and restoration. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 55:405–409.
4.Li L.D., Wilsona B.C., He H.B., Zhang X.D., Zhou F., Schaeffer M.S. 2019. Physical, biochemical, and microbial controls on amino sugar accumulationin soils under long-term cover cropping and no-tillage farming. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,135:369-378.
5.Jing Y.L., Wang Y., Liu S.R., Zhang X.D., Wang Q.K., Liu K., Yin Y., Deng J.F. 2019. Interactive effects of soil warming, throughfall reduction, and root exclusion on soil microbial community and residues in warm-temperate oak forests. Applied Soil Ecology, 142:52-58.
6.Zhao Y., Shao S., Schaeffer S.M. Bao X.L., Zhang W., Zhu B., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2019. Methodological clarification for estimating the input of plant-derived carbon in soils under elevated CO2 based on a 13C-enriched CO2 labeling experiment. Plant and Soil, 440: 569–580.
7.Li X.B., He H.B., Zhang X.D., Yan X.Y., Cai Z.C., Zhang J.B., Li Z.A., Ma Q.Q. 2019. Distinct responses of soil fungal and bacterial nitrate immobilization to land conversion from forest to agriculture. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 134: 81-89.
8.Ding X.L., Chen S.Y., Zhang B., Liang C., He H.B., Horwathd W.R.2019. Warming increases microbial residue contribution to soil organic carbon in an alpine meadow. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 135:13-19.
1.Shao P.S., He H.B., Zhang X.D., Xie H.T.,Bao X.L., Liang C. 2018. Responses of microbial residues to simulated climate change in a semiarid grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 688:1286-1291.
1.Shao S., Zhao Y., Zhang W., Hu G.Q., Xie H.T., Yan J.H., Han S.J., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2017.Linkage of microbial residue dynamics with soil organic carbon accumulation during subtropical forest succession. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 114:114-120.
2.Zhang W., Liang C., Kao-Kniffin J., Xie H.T., He H.B., Zhang X.D.2017.Effects of drying and wetting cycles on the transformations of extraneous inorganic N to soil microbial residues. Scientific report, 7:9477.
3.张蕊,赵钰,何红波,张旭东.2017.基于稳定碳同位素技术研究大气CO2浓度升高对植物-土壤系统碳循环的影响. 应用生态学报,28(7):2370-2388.
1.Hu G.Q., He H.B., Zhang W., Zhao J.S., Cui J.H., Li B., Zhang X.D. 2016. The transformation and renewal of soil amino acids induced by the availability of extraneous C and N. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 96: 86-96. 
2.Bai Z., Liang C., Bode S., Huygens D., Boeckx P. 2016. Phospholipid 13C stable isotopic probing during decomposition of wheat residues. Applied Soil Ecology 98: 65-74. 
3.Zhang W., Cui Y.H., Lu X.K., Bai E., He H.B., Xie H.T., Liang C., Zhang X.D. 2016. High nitrogen deposition decreases the contribution of fungal residues to soil carbon pools in a tropical forest ecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 97: 211-214. 
4.Liu X., Hu G.Q., He H.B., Liang C., Zhang W., Bai Z., Wu Y.Y., Lin G.F., Zhang X.D. 2016. Linking microbial immobilization of fertilizer nitrogen to in situ turnover of soil microbial residues in an agro-ecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 229: 40-47. 
5.Tian Q.X., He H.B., Cheng W.X., Bai Z., Wang Y., Zhang X.D. 2016. Factors controlling soil organic carbon stability along a temperate forest altitudinal gradient. Scientific Report, 6: 18783. 
6.王辛辛,何红波,胡国庆,邵鹏帅,张威,解宏图,张旭东.底物添加对森林2个不同演替阶段土壤氨基糖动态的影响. 北京林业大学学报, 2016,38(4):86-93.
7.滕泽宇,陈智文,白震,王月阳,解宏图,何红波,张旭东.恒、变温培养模式对土壤呼吸温度敏感性影响之异同. 土壤通报, 2016,47(1):47-53.
8.杨弘,何红波,张威,胡国庆,刘肖,张旭东.秸秆还田对农田棕壤氧化亚氮排放动态的影响.土壤通报, 2016,47(3):660-665.
9.胡国庆,刘肖,何红波,张旭东.免耕覆盖还田下玉米秸秆氮素的去向研究. 土壤学报.2016, 53(4):964-971.
10.崔艳荷,张威,何红波,解宏图,张旭东.外源氮素添加对森林土壤氨基糖转化的影响. 生态学杂志,2016,35(4): 960-965.
1.Filley T.R., Li M., Zhuang J., Yu G., Sayler G., Ouyang Z., Han X., Zhang X.D., Jiang G., Zhou C., Wang F., Bickham J.W. 2015. Bi-national research and education cooperation in the US-China EcoPartnership for Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7, 041512.
2.Hu G.Q, Liu X., He H.B., Zhang W., Xie H.T., Wu Y.Y., Cui J., Sun C., Zhang X.D. 2015. Multi-seasonal nitrogen recoveries from crop residue in soil and crop in a temperate agro-ecosystem. PLoS ONE 10, e0133437.
3.Li N., Xu Y.Z., Han X.Z., He H.B., Zhang X.D., Zhang B. 2015. Fungi contribute more than bacteria to soil organic matter through necromass accumulation under different agricultural practices during the early pedogenesis of a Mollisol. European Journal of Soil Biology 67, 51-58.
4.Xie H.T., Li J., Zhang B., Wang L., Wang J., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2015. Long-term manure amendments reduced soil aggregate stability via redistribution of the glomalin-related soil protein in macroaggregates. Scientific Reports 5, 14687.
5.Xie H.T., Zhao J., Wang Q., Sui Y., Wang J., Yang X., Zhang X.D, Liang C. 2015. Soil type recognition as improved by genetic algorithm-based variable selection using near infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares discriminant analysis. Scientific Reports 5, 10930.
6.Zhang W., Liang C., Kao-Kniffin J., He H.B., Xie H.T., Zhang H., Zhang X.D. 2015. Differentiating the mineralization dynamics of the originally present and newly synthesized amino acids in soil amended with available carbon and nitrogen substrates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 85,162-169.
7.焦阳, 闫颖, 白震, 解宏图, 何红波, 张威, 张旭东*. 2015. 不同倒木腐解过程对长白山森林土壤碳氮积累的影响. 土壤通报, 46(5): 1189-1195.
8.曲瑞姣, 刘肖, 胡国庆, 何红波, 张旭东*. 2015. 氮肥施用对土壤固定态铵有效性和剖面变化特征的影响. 土壤通报, 46(5): 1202-1207.
9.王福平, 依艳丽, 解宏图, 张玉兰, 赵晓霞, 宣然然, 叶佳舒, 董智, 张旭东. 2015. 生物炭添加对潮棕壤土壤性状及玉米生长的影响. 玉米科学, 23(5): 83-90.
1.Tian Q.X., He H.B., Cheng W.X., Zhang X.D.2014. Pulse-dynamic and monotonic decline patterns of soil respiration in long term laboratory microcosms. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 68: 329-336.
2.Zhang W., He H.B., Li Q., Lu C.Y., Zhang X.D., Zhu J.G. 2014. Soil microbial residue dynamics after 3-year elevated O3 exposure are plant species-specific. Plant and Soil, 376: 139-149.
3.Zhang B., Drury C.F., Yang X.M., Reynolds W.D., Zhang X.D.2014. Effects of long-term and recently imposed tillage on the concentration and composition of amino sugars in a clay loam soil in Ontario, Canada. Soil Tillage Research, 135: 9-17.
4.Xie H.T., Li J.W.,Zhu P.,Peng C., Wang J.K., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2014. Long-term manure amendments enhance neutral sugar accumulation in bulk soil and particulate organic matter in a Mollisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 78:45-53.
5.王洋,闫颖,刘宁,何红波,张旭东.2014. 土壤碳水化合物、氨基酸、木质素特性及其颗粒稳定性研究进展. 土壤通报, 45(2): 493-499.
6.马田,刘肖,李骏,张旭东,何红波. 2014. CO2浓度升高对土壤-植物(春小麦)系统光合碳分配和积累的影响. 核农学报, 28(12):2238-2246.
7.李丽东,胡国庆,赵钰,刘肖,丁雪丽,何红波,张旭东.2014. 玉米秸秆掺入对土壤氨基糖分布动态的影响. 土壤通报, 45(6):1402-1409.
1.Bai Z., Bodé S., Huygens D., Zhang X.D., Boeckx P. Kinetics of amino sugar formation from organic residues of different quality. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013, 57: 814-821. 
2.Xie H.T .,Li J.W.,Zhu P.,Peng C., Wang J.K., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2014. Long-term manure amendments enhance neutral sugar accumulation in bulk soil and particulate organic matter in a Mollisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 78:45-53.
3.Bai Z., Xu H., He H.B., Zheng L., Zhang X.D. Alterations of microbial populations and composition in the rhizosphere and bulk soil as affected by residual acetochlor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20: 369-379.
4.Lü H.J., He H.B., Zhao J., Zhang W., Xie H.T., Hu G.Q., Liu X., Wu Y.Y., Zhang X.D. Dynamics of fertilizer-derived organic nitrogen fractions in an arable soil during a growing season. Plant and Soil, 2013, 373: 595-607.
5.Zhang B., Liang C., He H.B., Zhang X.D. Variations in Soil Microbial Communities and Residues Along an Altitude Gradient on the Northern Slope of Changbai Mountain, China. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(6): e66184. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066184
6.Zhang B., Yang X., Drury C.F., Zhang X.D. A Mid-Infrared spectroscopy method to determine the glucosamine, galactosamine, and muramic acid concentrations in soil hydrolysates. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2013, 77: 842-849. 
7.Zhang B., Drury C.F., Yang X., Reynolds W.D., Zhang X.D. Effects of long-term and recently imposed tillage on the concentration and composition of amino sugars in a clay loam soil in Ontario, Canada. Soil Tillage Research, 2013, 135: 9-17. 
8.Ding X.L., Han X., Zhang X., Qiao Y. Effects of contrasting agricultural management on microbial residues in a Mollisol in China. Soil Tillage Research, 2013, 130: 13-17.
9.彭义, 解宏图, 李军, 董智, 白震, 王贵满, 陈智文, 张旭东. 免耕条件下不同秸秆覆盖量的土壤有机碳红外光谱特征. 中国农业科学, 2013, 46(11): 2257-2264.
10.李军, 李正霄, 解宏图, 董智, 白震, 王贵满, 陈智文, 张旭东. 免耕条件下不同秸秆覆盖量对土壤木质素含量的影响. 中国农业科学, 2013, 46(11): 2265-2270.
11.田秋香, 张彬, 何红波, 张旭东, 程维信. 长白山不同海拔梯度森林土壤中性糖分布特征. 应用生态学报, 2013, 24(7) : 1777-1783.
12.董智, 解宏图, 张立军, 白震, 何红波, 王贵满, 张旭东. 东北玉米带秸秆覆盖免耕对土壤性状的影响. 玉米科学, 2013, 21(5): 100-103, 108.
13.谷阳, 刘宁, 何红波, 王洋, 李正霄, 张旭东. 不同施肥管理对农田土壤木质素积累的影响. 土壤通报, 2013, 44(6): 1470-1476.?
1.Zhang B., He H.B., Ding X.L., Zhang X.D., Zhang X.P., Yang X.M., Filley T.R. 2012. Soil microbial community dynamics over a maize (Zea mays L.) growing season under conventional- and no-tillage practices in a rainfed agroecosystem. Soil & Tillage Research, 124: 153-160.
2.Yan Y., He H.B., Zhang X., Chen Y., Xie H.T., Bai Z., Zhu P., Ren J., and Wang L.2012. Long-term fertilization effects on carbon and nitrogen in particle-size fractions of a Chinese Mollisol. Can. J. Soil. Sci, 92: 509-519.
3.Zhang B., Yang X.M., Drury C.F., Reynolds W.D., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2012. Effects of 49 years of fertilization on the distribution and accumulation of soil carbon under corn cultivation. Can. J. Soil. Sci, 92: 835-839.
4.Lü H.J., He H.B., Zhang X.D. 2012. Seasonal dynamics of fertilizer-derived hydrolysable NH3 in an arable soil of Northeast China. Advanced Materials Research, 496: 502-506.
5.张威,韩永娇,何红波,解宏图,张旭东.2012.干湿交替条件下土壤氨基糖含量的动态变化. 应用生态学报, 23(4): 1037-1041.
6.李响,何红波,张威,吕慧捷,张旭东,郑立臣,田福林,李红.2012. 外源无机氮素形态对土壤氨基糖动态的影响. 应用生态学报, 27(5): 1153-1158.
7.胡美玲,关天霞,何红波,张旭东.2012. Cu在黑土中形态特性分析及施用有机肥的影响. 环境科学学报, 32(9): 2189-2196.
8.吕慧捷,何红波,张旭东.2012.土壤颗粒分级过程中超声破碎和离心分离的条件选择. 土壤通报, 43(5): 1126-1130.
9.闫颖,陈盈,何红波,解宏图,白震,李晓波,田秋香,张旭东.2012.化肥对黑土不同粒级碳水化合物的影响. 土壤通报,43(1): 37-41.
10.吕慧捷,何红波,张旭东,郑立臣.2012.玉米不同生长时期土壤氨基酸氮的动态特征. 土壤通报,43(1): 31-36
11.韩永娇,张威,何红波,张旭东.2012. 湿交替条件下棕壤氨基糖的动态及指示作用. 土壤通报,43(6):1391-1396.
12.丁雪丽,张旭东,杨学明,张晓平.2012. 免耕秸秆还田和传统耕作方式下东北黑土氨基糖态碳的积累特征. 土壤通报, 49(3): 535-543.
13.关天霞,何红波,张旭东,解宏图,武叶叶. 2012. 施用富Cu猪粪后潮土-小麦系统Cu的传递与积累. 土壤通报, 43(3): 724-730.
1.He H.B., Zhang W., Zhang X.D., Xie H.T., Zhuang J. 2011. Temporal responses of soil microorganisms to substrate addition as indicated by amino sugar differentiation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43:1155-1161.
2.He H.B., Li X.B., Zhang W, Zhang X.D.2011.Differentiating the dynamics of native and newly immobilized amino sugars in soil frequently amended with inorganic nitrogen and glucose. T.X. Guan, H.B. He*, X.D. Zhang, Z. Bai. 2011. European Journal of Soil Science, 62:144-151.
3.Guan T.X., He H.B., Zhang X.D., Bai Z.2011.Cu fractions, mobility and bioavailability in soil-wheat system after Cu-enriched livestock manure applications. Chemosphere, 82:215-222.
4.He H.B., Lü H.J., Zhang W., Hou S.M., Zhang X.D. 2011. A liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric method to evaluate 13C and 15N incorporation into soil amino acids. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11:731-740.
5.Xie H.T., Yang X.M., Drury C.F., Yang J.Y., Zhang X.D. 2011. Predicting soil organic carbon and total nitrogen using mid- and near-infrared spectra for Brookston clay loam soil in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 91(1):53-63.
6.Ding X.L., He H.B., Zhang B., Zhang X.D.2011. Plant-N incorporation into microbial amino sugars as affected by inorganic N addition: A microcosm study of 15N-labeled maize residue decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43:1968-1974.
7.Ding X.L., Zhang B., Zhang X.D., Yang X.M., Zhang X.P. 2011. Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research, 114:43-49.
8.Liang C., Zhang X.D., Wei L.P., He H.B., Higbee A.J., Balser T.C.2011. Investigation of the molecular ion structure for aldononitrile acetate derivatized muramic acid. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 86:224-230.
9.张威,何红波,解宏图,白震,张旭东.2011. 外源物质添加对东北黑土氨基酸矿化的影响. 生态环境学报, 20(2):281-285.
10.关天霞,何红波,张旭东,白震,解宏图.2011.土壤中重金属元素形态分析方法及形态分布的影响因素. 土壤通报, 42(2):503-512.
11.杜介方,张彬,解宏图,王连峰,何红波,张旭东. 2011. 不同施肥处理对球囊霉素土壤蛋白含量的影响. 土壤通报, 42(3):573-577.
12.刘宁,何红波,解宏图,张旭东.2011.土壤中木质素的研究进展. 土壤通报, 42(4):991-996.
13.李晓波,张威,田秋香,吕慧捷,丁雪丽,何红波,张旭东.2011. 尿素向氨基糖的转化以及对土壤氨基糖库动态的影响. 土壤学报, 42(6):1189-1195.
14.丁雪丽,何红波,张彬,张旭东.2011. 无机氮素加入量对玉米秸秆分解过程中棕壤氨基糖含量的影响. 土壤学报, 48(3):665-671.
1.Liu N., He H.B., Xie H.T., Bai Z., Zhang X.D., Peng C., Zhu P., Ren J., Wang L.C. 2010. Impacts of long-term inorganic and organic fertilization on lignin in a Mollisol. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10:1466-1474.
2.Chen Y., Zhang X.D., He H.B., Xie H.T., Yan Y., Zhu P., Ren J., Wang L.C. 2010. Carbon and nitrogen pools in different aggregates of a Chinese Mollisol as influenced by long-term fertilization. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10: 1018-1026.
3.Ding X.L., Zhang X.D., He H.B., Xie H.T. 2010. Dynamics of soil amino sugar pools during decomposition processes of corn residues as affected by inorganic N addition. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10: 758–766.
4.Liu N., He H.B., Xie H.T., Bai Z., Zhang X.D. 2010. Impact of long-term organic fertilizer application on lignin in Mollisol. Advanced Materials Research 113-114: 1332-1335.(EI)
5.张彬,白震,解宏图,张旭东,张晓平,时秀焕. 2010. 保护性耕作对黑土微生物群落的影响. 中国生态农业学报,18(1): 83-88.
6.张彬,杜介方,解宏图,李维福,王连峰,张旭东. 2010. 长期施肥对颗粒有机质中中性糖特性的影响. 土壤通报,41(3): 617-621.
7.张彬,何红波,赵晓霞,解宏图,白震,张旭东. 2010. 秸秆还田量对免耕黑土速效养分和玉米产量的影响. 玉米科学,18(2): 81-84.
8.张彬,何红波,白震,刘宁,丁雪丽,解宏图,张旭东. 2010.保护性耕作对土壤微生物特性和酶活性的影响. 土壤通报,41(1): 230-236.
9.刘宁,张世涛,何红波,张旭东. 2010. 微波消化-ICP-AES法测定植物样品中硫、磷. 分析试验室,29: 323-325.
10.刘宁,张威,何红波,解宏图,白震,张旭东. 2010. 固相萃取-气相色谱法测定土壤中木质素. 分析仪器,6: 30-33.
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