
   1. Xiao-Han Yin, Frank Sterck, Guang-You Hao(*), Divergent hydraulic strategies to cope with freezing in co-occurring temperate tree species with special reference to root and stem pressure generation, New Phytologist, 2018. 219 (2): 530-541.

  2. Yan-Yan Liu, Ai-Ying Wang, Yu-Ning An, Pei-Yong Lian, De-Dong Wu, Jiao-Jun Zhu, Frederick C. Meinzer, Guang-You Hao(*), Hydraulics play an important role in causing low growth rate and dieback of aging Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees in plantations of Northeast China, Plant, Cell and Environment, 2018. 41 (7): 1500-1511.  

  3. Guang-You Hao, N. Michele Holbrook, Maciej A. Zwieniecki, Vincent P. Gutschick, Hormoz BassiriRad(*), Coordinated responses of plant hydraulic architecture with the reduction of stomatal conductance under elevated CO2 concentration, Tree Physiology, 2018. 38 (7): 1041-1052.    

  4. Ai-Ying Wang, Shi-Jie Han(*), Jun-Hui Zhang, Miao Wang, Xiao-Han Yin, Li-Dong Fang, Da Yang, Guang-You Hao(*), The interaction between nonstructural carbohydrate reserves and xylem hydraulics in Korean pine trees across an altitudinal gradient, Tree Physiology, 2018. 38 (12): 1792-1804.  

  5. Jia Song, Da Yang, Cun-Yang Niu, Wei-Wei Zhang, Miao Wang, Guang-You Hao(*), Correlation between leaf size and hydraulic architecture in five compound-leaved tree species of a temperate forest in NE China, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018. 418: 63-72.  

  6. Li-Dong Fang, Qiong Zhao, Yan-Yan Liu, Guang-You Hao(*), The influence of a five-year nitrogen fertilization treatment on hydraulic architecture of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in a water-limited plantation of NE China, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018. 418: 15-22.  

  7. Miao Wang(*), Wei-Wei Zhang, Na Li, Yan-Yan Liu, Xing-Bo Zheng, Guang-You Hao(*), Photosynthesis and growth responses of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. seedlings to a gradient of simulated nitrogen deposition, Annals of Forest Science, 2018. 75 (1): 1.  

  8. Wei-Wei Zhang, Miao Wang, Ai-Ying Wang, Xiao-Han Yin, Zhao-Zhong Feng, Guang-You Hao(*), Elevated ozone concentration decreases whole-plant hydraulic conductance and disturbs water use regulation in soybean plants, Physiologia Plantarum, 2018. 163 (2): 183-195.  

  9. Brett A. Huggett(*), Jessica A. Savage, Guang-You Hao, Evan L. Preisser, N.M. Holbrook, Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestation on xylem structure and function and leaf physiology in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), Functional Plant Biology, 2018.45(5): 501-508.  

  10. 殷笑寒, 郝广友(*), 长白山阔叶树种木质部环孔和散孔结构特征的分化导致其水力学性状的显著差异, 应用生态学报, 2018. 29 (2): 352-360.