
   1. Ai-Ying Wang, Miao Wang, Da Yang, Jia Song, Wei-Wei Zhang, Shi-Jie Han, Guang-You Hao(*), Responses of hydraulics at the whole-plant level to simulated nitrogen deposition of different levels in Fraxinus mandshurica, Tree Physiology, 2016. 36 (8): 1045-1055.

  2. Guang-You Hao(*), Kun-Fang Cao, Guillermo Goldstein, Hemiepiphytic trees: Ficus   as a model system for understanding hemiepiphytism, In G. Goldstein and L.S. Santiago eds, Tropical Tree Physiology: adaptations and responses in a changing environment, 2016. 3-24. 书籍章节  

  3. Yong-Jiang Zhang(*), Sandra J. Bucci, Nadia S. Arias, Fabian G. Scholz, Guang-You Hao, Kun-Fang Cao, Guillermo Goldstein(*), Freezing resistance in Patagonian woody shrubs: the role of cell wall elasticity and stem vessel size, Tree Physiology, 2016. 36 (8): 1007-1018.