1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于生态功能提升的寒地城市河岸带植被优化配置研究,起止时间:2020-2022年
2. 中科院战略生物资源计划能力建设项目,东北杓兰属植物生态保育研究起止时间:2020-2021年
3. 中国科学院A类战略先导专项专题,退化草地保护及植被恢复与功能提升技术,起止时间:2019-2023年
4. 辽宁省自然科学基金面上项目,群落结构对城市河岸带多重生态功能的作用机制,起止时间:2020-2022年
1. Shuai Yu, Chunping Miao, Hong Song, Yanqing Huang, Wei Chen & Xingyuan He (2019): Efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal by six macrophytes from eutrophic water, International Journal of Phytoremediation, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2018.1556582;
2. Shuai Yu, Wei Chen*, Xingyuan He, Zhouli Liu, Eutrophication related water quality in upstream of hun river around farmland, Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2016, 45(4): 797-801;
3. Shuai Yu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He*, Zhouli Liu, Hong Song, Yin Ye, Yanqing Huang, Lian Jia, A comparative study on nitrogen and phosphorus concentration characteristics of twelve riparian zone species from upstream of Hunhe River, Clean-Soil Air Water, 2014, 42(4): 408-414;
4. Shuai Yu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He*, Zhouli Liu, Yanqing Huang, Biomass accumulation and nutrient uptake of 16 riparian woody plant species in Northeast China, Journal of Forestry Research, 2014, 25(4): 773-778;
5. Chunping Miao, Shuai Yu, Yuanman Hu, Rencang Bu, Li Qi, Xingyuan He, Wei Chen,How the morphology of urban street canyons affects suspended particulate matter concentration at the pedestrian level: An in-situ investigation, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 55, (102042) (共同一作) ;
6. Chunping Miao, Shuai Yu, Yuanman Hu, Huiwen Zhang, Xingyuan He, Wei Chen. Review of methods used to estimate the sky view factor in urban street canyons. Building and Environment. 168 (2020) 106497;
7. Gao Shanshan, Wang Yanlin, Yu Shuai, Yanqing Huang, Huanchu Liu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He. Effects of drought stress on growth, physiology and secondary metabolites of Two Adonis species in Northeast China, Scientia Horticulturae, Scientia Horticulturae. 259 (2020) 108795;
8. Lian Jia, Zhouli Liu, Wei Chen, Yin Ye, Shuai Yu, Xingyuan He. Hormesis Effects Induced by Cadmium on Growth and Photosynthetic Performance in a Hyperaccumulator, Lonicera japonica Thunb. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2015. 34: 13-21;
9. Lian Jia, Xingyuan He, Wei Chen, Zhouli Liu, Yanqing Huang, Shuai Yu. Hormesis phenomena under Cd stress in a hyperaccumulator—Lonicera japonica Thunb. Ecotoxicology, 2013, 22:476–485;
10. Zhouli Liu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He, Lian Jia, Yanqing Huang, Yue Zhang, Shuai Yu. Cadmium-Induced Physiological Response in Lonicera japonica Thunb. Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 2012, 41 (5), 478–484;
11. Zhouli Liu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He, Lian Jia, Shuai Yu, Mingzhu Zhao. Hormetic responses of Lonicera Japonica Thunb. to cadmium stress. Dose-Response, 2015. 13: 1-10. DOI: 10.2203/dose-response.14-033;
12. Yin Ye, Xingyuan He, Wei Chen, Jing Yao, Shuai Yu, Lian Jia. Seasonal water quality upstream of Dahuofang Reservoir, China: The effects of land use type at various spatial scales. Clean – Soil, Air,Water, 2014, 42 (10), 1423–1432;
13. Zhouli Liu, Xiaoyun Fu, Wei Chen, Shuai Yu, Xingyuan He. Nitrogen and phoshporus removal by five ornamental and wetland plants from upstream of Hunhe River. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25(5): 1476-1482;
14. Zhouli Liu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He, Shuai Yu. Photosynthetic characteristics, carbon fixation and oxygen release functions of three landscape trees. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2016, 45(4): 791-796;
15. Wang, X.; Yao, J.; Yu, S.; Miao, C.; Chen, W.; He, X. Street Trees in a Chinese Forest City: Structure, Benefits and Costs. Sustainability 2018, 10, 674.
16. 于帅, 陈玮*, 何兴元, 刘周莉, 黄彦青, 浑河河岸带六种草本植物氮、磷含量特征, 生态学杂志, 2012, 31(11): 2775-2780;
17. 于帅, 陈玮, 何兴元*, 刘周莉, 黄彦青, 叶寅, 宋红, 姜志坚, 浑河入库河道缓冲带六种木本植物氮磷含量特征, 生态学杂志, 2013, 32(12): 3131-3135;
18. 于帅, 陈玮, 何兴元*, 刘周莉, 黄彦青, 大伙房水库周边4种河岸林的土壤理化性质, 东北林业大学学报, 2015, 43(3): 87-89;
19. 宋红, 王孔海, 陈玮, 何兴元, 刘周莉, 黄彦青, 于帅. 典型水生植物对水库环境污染物去除能力的实验室模拟. 生态学杂志, 2014, 01:119-124;
20. 宋红, 陈玮, 何兴元, 刘周莉, 黄彦青, 于帅. 三种水(湿)生植物对浑河水体氮去除能力研究. 水生态学杂志, 2014, 02:14-19;
21. 刘周莉, 陈玮, 何兴元, 于帅, 黄彦青, 丁玮杭, 张粤, 苏道岩. 低浓度镉对忍冬生长及光合生理的影响[J].环境化学, 2018, 37(2):223-228
1. 于帅等,一种林地牡丹种植植工具,申请号:201820425606.3(授权);
2. 于帅等,一种适用于湿地生态恢复的生态围堰,申请号:202010994003.7(授权);
3. 于帅等,一种适用于湿地生态恢复的生态围堰,申请号:202022074361.4;
4. 于帅等,一种山地水库周边湿地水质净化系统,申请号:202011222444.1;
5. 于帅等,一种山地水库的水净化系统,申请号:202022530563.5;
6. 于帅, 陈玮, 何兴元.一种在林地种植牡丹的工具及使用方法.申请号: 2018102625180;
7. 于帅, 陈玮, 何兴元.一种红松套种油用牡丹的栽植方法. 申请号: 2018102084349;
8. 于帅, 陈玮, 何兴元, 刘周莉, 姜鎏鹏. 一种北方采砂河道河岸带生态恢复的植物配置方法. 申请号: 201410736931.8;
9. 于帅, 陈玮, 何兴元. 一种北方河岸带适宜树种综合评价的方法. 申请号: 201610261034.5;
10. 于帅, 何兴元, 陈玮等. 一种实验室器皿晾干装置. 专利号: ZL 201320149993. X (2013.08.21授权);
11.刘周莉, 何兴元, 陈玮, 于帅, 卢涛. 一种简易的测定SOD的光照装置. ZL 201420220843.8 (2014.09.03授权);
12.徐胜, 何兴元,陈玮,李岩,于帅,苏道岩.一种立体式旋转苗木培养架. 申请专利号: 201711114055.5 (发明,授权),授权公告日:2020年8月28日。