  • 姚婧副研究员








2021.11-今 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所工作,副研究员 

2018.04-2019.04 美国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida),土地利用与环境变化研究中心,访问学者 

2012.07-2021.10 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所工作,助理研究员 

2009.09-2012.06 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所学习,获得生态学博士学位 









国家自然科学基金面上项目,城市绿地冷岛效应及其景观格局调控机制研究,起止时间: 2022-2025 




1. Jing Yao, Nina Chen, Fangqin Guo, Miao Liu, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He*. 2021. Variation in ecosystem services of street tree assemblages can guide sustainable urban development. Journal of Plant Ecology. (Accepted)

2. Jing Yao, Miao Liu, Nina Chen, Wei Chen, Chunping Miao, Xiaobo Wang, Xingyuan He*. 2021. The spatial variation of air purification benefit provided by street tree assemblages in Shenyang, China. Urban Ecosystem. DOI:10.1007/s11252-021-01183-7 (online)

3. Jing Yao, Miao Liu, Nina Chen, Xiaobo Wang, Yuanman Hu, Xueyan Wang, Wei Chen. 2021. Quantitative assessment of demand and supply of urban ecosystem services in different seasons: A case study on air purification in a temperate city. Landscape Ecology, (2021)36:1971-1986.

4. Jing Yao, Xingyuan He, Wei Chen, Yin Ye, Ruichao Guo, Lizhong Yu. 2016. A local-scale spatial analysis of ecosystem services and ecosystem service bundles in the upper Hun River catchment, China. Ecosystem Services. 222016):104~110

5. Jing Yao, Xingyuan He, Hongshi He, Wei Chen, Limin Dai, Bernard J. Lewis, Xiaotao Lv, Lizhong Yu. 2014. Should we respect the historical reference as basis for the objective of forest restoration? A case study from Northeastern China. New Forests. 455):671~686 

6. Jing Yao, Xingyuan He, Xiaoyu Li, Wei Chen, Dali Tao. 2012. Monitoring responses of forest to climate variations by MODIS NDVI: a case study of Hun River upstream, northeastern China. European Journal of Forest Research, 131(3): 705-716  doi10.1007/s10342-011-0543-z

7. Jing Yao, Xingyuan He, Hongshi He, Wei Chen, Limin Dai, Bernard J. Lewis, Lizhong Yu. 2016. The long-term effects of planting and harvesting on secondary forest dynamics under climate change in northeastern China[J]. Scientific Reports, 6:18490, DOI: 10.1038/srep 18490.

8. Jing Yao, Xingyuan He, Anzhi Wang, Wei Chen, Xiaoyu Li, Bernard J. Lewis, Xiaotao Lv. 2012.  Influence of forest management regimes on forest dynamics in the upstream region of the Hun River  in  northeastern  China. PLoS ONE7(6): e39058. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039058 

9. Xiaobo Wang, Jing Yao, Haiyang Zhang, Xiaoguang Wang, Kaihui Li, Xiaotao lv, Zhengwen Wang, Jizhong Zhou, Xingguo Han. 2019. Environmental and spatial variables determine the taxonomic but not functional structure patterns of microbial communities in alpine grasslands. Science of the Total Environment. 654(2019):960-968.

10. Xiaobo Wang, Xiaotao lv, Jing Yao, Zhengwen Wang, Ye Deng, Weixin Cheng, Jizhong Zhou, Xingguo Han. 2017. Habitat-specific patterns and drivers of bacterial β-diversity in China’s drylands. The ISME Journal. 20171~14 

11. Yupeng Lu, Huanchu Liu, Wei Chen, Jing Yao, Yanqing Huang, Yue Zhang, Xingyuan He. 2021, Conservation planning of the genus Rhododendron

in Northeast China based on current and future suitable habitat distributions. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 673-967.

12. Yupeng Lu, Wei Chen, Jing Yao, Yanqing Huang, Yue Zhang, Huanchu Liu, Xingyuan He. 2020. Multiple spatial scale analysis of the niche characteristics of the Rhododendron dauricum plant communities in Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science, 3(4): 614-630.

13. Xueyan Wang, Jing Yao, Shuai Yu, Chunping Miao, Wei Chen, Xingyuan He. 2018. Street trees in a Chinese forest city: Structure, benefits and costs. Sustainability, 2018, 10: 674.

14. Yin Ye, Xingyuan He, Wei Chen, Jing Yao, Shuai Yu, Lian Jia. 2014. Seasonal water quality upstream of Dahuofang Reservoir, China: The effects of land use type at various spatial scales[J]. Clean – Soil, Air, Water,  DOI:10.1002/clen.201300600. 

15. 姚婧,何兴元*,陈玮. 2018. 生态系统服务流研究方法最新进展. 应用生态学报, 29(1):335-342. 
