  • 徐文茹项目研究员








2023.06-今 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所工作,项目研究员

2022.06-2023.05 美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University),博士后

2020.01-2022.05 美国密苏里大学(University of Missouri),博士后

2017.08-2019.12 美国密苏里大学(University of Missouri)学习,获得森林学博士学位




2019年最佳毕业论文奖(Best dissertation award





1) Jiao,K.,Liu,Z.,Wang,W.,Yu,K.,Mcgrath,M.J. and Xu,W.,2024. Carbon cycle responses to climate change across China's terrestrial ecosystem: Sensitivity and driving process. Science of the Total Environment,915,p.170053.

2) Wang,Z.,Wang,Z.,Zou,Z.,Chen,X.,Wu,H.,Wang,W.,Su,H.,Li,F.,Xu,W.,Liu,Z. and Zhu,J.,2023. Severe Global Environmental Issues Caused by Canada’s Record-Breaking Wildfires in 2023. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

3) Liu,Z.*,Wang,W.J.,Ballantyne,A.,He,H.S.,Wang,X.,Liu,S.,Ciais,P.,Wimberly,M.C.,Piao,S.,Yu,K.,Yao,Q.,Liang,Y.,Wu,Z.,Fang,Y.,Chen,A.,Xu,W.*,and Zhu,J*.,2023. Forest disturbance decreased in China from 1986 to 2020 despite regional variations. Communications Earth & Environment,4(1),p.15.

4) Huang,C.,Li,S.,He,H.S.,Liang,Y.,Xu,W.,Wu,M.M.,Wu,Z.,Huang,C. and Chen,F.,2023. Effects of forest management practices on carbon dynamics of China's boreal forests under changing climates. Journal of Environmental Management,335,p.117497.

5) Xu,W.,He,H.S.*,Huang,C.,Duan,S.,Hawbaker,T.J.,Henne,P.D.,Liang,Y.,and Zhu,Z.,2022. Large fires or small fires,will they differ in affecting shifts in species composition and distributions under climate change?Forest Ecology and Management,510,p.120131.

6) Huang,C.,Feng,J.,Tang,F.,He,H.S.,Liang,Y.,Wu,M.M.,Xu,W.,Liu,B.,Shi,F. and Chen,F.,2022. Predicting the responses of boreal forests to climate-fire-vegetation interactions in Northeast China. Environmental Modelling & Software, 153,p.105410.

7) Wu,M.M.,Zou,X.,Liang,Y.,Stambaugh,M.,Fraser,J.S.,Xu,W. and He,H.S.,2022. The impact of typhoon on post-volcanic-eruption forest landscape recovery: a study in Changbai mountain through 300 years of historic landscape reconstruction. Landscape Ecology, 37(5),pp.1401-1416.

8) Huang,C.,He,H.S.,Liang,Y.,Hawbaker,T.J.,Henne,P.D.,Xu,W.,Gong,P. and Zhu,Z.,2021. The changes in species composition mediate direct effects of climate change on future fire regimes of boreal forests in northeastern China. Journal of Applied Ecology. 58(6),p: 1336-1345.

9) Duan,S.,He,H.S.,Spetich,M.A.,Wang,W.J.,Fraser,J.S. and Xu,W.,2021. Long-term effects of succession,climate change and insect disturbance on oak-pine forest composition in the US Central Hardwood Region. European Journal of Forest Research,p.1-12.

10) Xu,W.,He,H.S.*,Fraser,J.S.,Hawbaker,T.J.,Henne,P.D.,Duan,S. and Zhu,Z.,2020. Spatially explicit reconstruction of post-megafire forest recovery through landscape modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software,134,104884.

11) Xu,W.,He,H.S.*,Hawbaker,T.J.,Zhu,Z. and Henne,P.D.,2020. Estimating burn severity and carbon emissions from a historic megafire in boreal forests of China. Science of The Total Environment,716,136534.

12) Henne,P.D.,Hawbaker,T.J.,Scheller,R.M.,Zhao,F.,He,H.S.,Xu,W. and Zhu,Z.,2020. Increased burning in a warming climate reduces carbon uptake in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem despite productivity gains. Journal of Ecology.

13) Liu,K.,He,H.,Xu,W.,Du,H.,Zong,S.,Huang,C.,Wu,M.,Tan,X. and Cong,Y.,2020. Responses of Korean Pine to Proactive Managements under Climate Change. Forests,11(3),263.

14) 徐文茹,贺红士*,罗旭,黄超,唐志强,刘凯,丛毓,谷晓楠,宗盛伟,杜海波.停止商业性采伐对大兴安岭森林结构与地上生物量的长期影响.生态学报201838(4)。

15) 丛毓,贺红士,谷晓楠,徐文茹,宗盛伟,杜海波.高山林线形成机理研究进展.应用生态学报2016279):3035-3041

16) 徐文茹,韩阳*,秦艳,金伦2015. 盐渍化土壤偏振高光谱信息与土壤线的关系初探. 光谱学与光谱分析 3510),2856-2861